A Concordance of Dirk Pitt Novels
The Continuing Characters
Cussler, Clive. Author-adventurer who frequently turns up in the Pitt adventures. A big man with graying hair, a white beard and blue-green eyes. Races Pitt at the Richmond old car races in Dragon. In Sahara, he's a prospector searching for a Confederate shipwreck in the Sahara Desert. He stands the same height as Pitt but is more heavy than thin. In Inca Gold, he's the owner of the Box Car Cafe and described as a tall man in his early sixties, with gray hair and a white beard; he bought the cafe when he gave up prospecting. In Shock Wave, he's the mine engineer and chief foreman at the Dorsett mine on Kunghit Island who helps explain the inner workings of the mine to Pitt. In Shock Wave, he's the successful owner of fishing boats who loans Pitt and Giordino a houseboat.
Giordino, Albert Cassius. Attended elementary school with Dirk Pitt and has known him since kindergarten. Attended high school with Pitt and played tackle on the high school football team. Attended the United States Air Force Academy. Attended flight school with Dirk Pitt. Served two tours in Vietnam. Still holds the rank of captain in the Air Force. Joined NUMA along with Pitt at the request of Admiral James Sandecker. Lives in a recently purchased condominium in Alexandria, Virginia, where none of the furniture or decor matches. Five feet four inches in height, weight one hundred seventy-five pounds. Of Italian ancestry, he has dark curly hair, a nose that hints at his Roman heritage and dark, swarthy skin on a round face. Has a barrel chest and muscular build. Usually has a Faganlike grin on his face. His eyes are a twinkling walnut color. He is missing the little finger on his right hand after he jammed it in the barrel of a gun that was fired by Delphi Moran. He has been shot more times than an Arizona highway sign. His body shows the effects of numerous abrasions, contusions and broken bones. Assistant special projects director of the National Underwater and Marine Agency. His hobby is stealing Admiral Sandecker's custom-made cigars.
Gunn, Rudi. Childhood nickname: "Beaver Eyes." A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, first in his class. Formerly held the rank of commander in the United States Navy. Joined NUMA at the same time as Pitt and Giordino. Former titles include director of logistics for the National Underwater and Marine Agency and overseer of NUMA's oceanographic projects. Was skipper of the NUMA research vessel First Attempt in The Mediterranean Caper. In Raise the Titanic! he was captain of the submersible Sappho 1. Current title is deputy director of the National Underwater and Marine Agency. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for his work in Sahara but did not win. Has a thinning hairline and wears thick horn-rimmed glasses. Has a Roman nose. Short and thin with narrow shoulders and matching hips. Wears a Timer watch. Second in command of NUMA under Sandecker.
Hunt, Leigh. Clive's friend in real life but turns up frequently in Pitt adventures in a variety of disguises. In Treasure, he's a reporter with the BBC. In Sahara, he's the chief pilot of the Texas. In Inca Gold, he's an engineer searching for oil who locates a vast underwater river in a cave in the Castle Dome Mountains. In Shock Wave, he's a colonel at Walter Reed Medical Center who performs the autopsies on people killed by the acoustic waves. In Flood Tide, he's the captain of the Princess Dou Wan.
Kamil, Han. Secretary-general of the United Nations. Described as a tall, attractive woman with a smooth brown face and compelling coal-black eyes. Has a long-stemmed neck, delicate features and haunting looks. In Treasure, she is age forty-two and has a tawny Complexion and long jet-black hair that falls down to her shoulders. Stands five feet eleven inches tall in heels. Never married. Her father was a filmmaker, her mother a teacher. A gourmet cook with a Ph.D. in Egyptian antiquities, she landed one of the few jobs open to Muslim women, as a researcher with the Ministry of Culture. Worked her way up to director of antiquities and later head of the Department of Information. She caught the eye of then-President Mubarek, who asked her to serve on the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly. Five years later, Kamil was vice chairman when Javier Perez de Cuellar stepped down. Because the men ahead of her in line refused the job, she was appointed to serve as secretary-general in the tenuous hope she might mend the widening cracks in the organization.
Mercier, Allan. U.S. national security advisor. A plump, balding character with a Falstaff face that masks a shrewd analytical mind. Wears ever-rumpled bargain-priced suits with white linen handkerchiefs sloppily stuffed in the breast pocket. Wears Ben Franklin spectacles.
Milligan, Lieutenant Commander Heidi. U.S. Navy lieutenant commander assigned to the Norfolk Navy Yard. Has eleven years to go before retirement as of Vixen 03. Attended Wellesley College. No children, as she had a hysterectomy. Had affairs with Admiral Bass, with Pitt and with Shaw in Night Probe! Described as almost as tall as Pitt when she is wearing riding boots. Looks to be in her early thirties, and her skin shows no sign of a summer tan. In Night Probe!, she is said to have graduated fourteenth in her class at Annapolis. Described as having a svelte body measuring six feet from manicured toenails to the roots of her naturally ash-blond hair. Has Castilian brown eyes, the right eye having an imperfection at the bottom of the iris, a small pie-shaped splash of gray. Working on a doctorate at Princeton University.
Oates, Douglas. U.S. secretary of state. Has neatly trimmed slate-colored hair and brown eyes.
Perlnutter, St. Julien. Close family friend of the Pitt family. Has a fifty-million-dollar inheritance. Lives on a Street in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C. One of the world's foremost authorities on shipwrecks and owner of one of the world's finest maritime libraries- A gourmand and bon vivant who has a four thousand-bottle wine cellar. Weighs over four hundred pounds but is remarkably solid for a huge man. Has gray hair and gray beard, a crimson face with tulip nose and sky-blue eyes. His car is a chauffeur-driven 1955 Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn with coachwork by Hooper & Company. The automobile is painted silver and green and features a straight-six engine with overhead valves.
Pitt, Dirk Eric. Born at Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach, California, to Senator George and Barbara (Nash) Pitt. According to his family tree, his paternal ancestors were Gypsies who migrated from Spain to England in the seventeenth century. Great-grandfather was a steam locomotive engineer on the Santa Fe Railroad. Has all uncle who is one of San Francisco's leading bon vivants. Another uncle on his mother's side is Percy Nash, one of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project. Pitt's grandfather acquired a small fortune developing Southern California real estate. On his death, he left his grandson a considerable inheritance. After paying the estate tax, Pitt chose to invest the money in classic cars and aircraft rather than stocks and bonds. Lives at 266 Airport Place, Washington, D.C. 20001, on the grounds of Washington International Airport. Best friend is Al Giordino, whom Pitt met when the two got into a fistfight in elementary school. Was quarterback on his high school football team. Graduated thirty-fifth in his class at the U.S. Air Force Academy. While at the Air Force Academy, he was on the football team and fencing squad. Attended flight school with Al Giordino. Served ten years' active duty in the Air Force, attaining the rank of major and in the year 2000 promoted to lieutenant colonel. Served two tours in the last years of the Vietnam War. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross with two clusters, a Silver Heart and a Purple Heart. Received a commendation for shooting down U.S. Navy Admiral James Sandecker's plane over the Sea of China to prevent him from landing at an enemy-occupied airfield. Awarded Hero of the Revolution award by Fidel Castro. Formerly surface security officer for the National Underwater and Marine Agency, he is currently the special projects director. Height six feet three inches, weight one hundred eighty-five pounds. Has black hair tending to be a bit wavy, with no indication of gray. Eyebrows dark and bushy. Straight, narrow nose, lips firm with the corners turned up in a slight but fixed grin. Skin darkened by year-round exposure to the sun. Has opaline green eyes that are set wide with a clear glimpse of the white around the iris. Far from movie-star handsome, he has a craggy face that the opposite sex finds strangely attractive. Body covered with various scars and injuries. Walks with a loose grace that is impossible for most men. Wore an Omega watch early on but now is known for wearing an orange-face Dora dive watch. Quit smoking years ago. Changed from Cutty Sark to Bombay Gin to Sauza Commemorativo tequila over the years but also enjoys a glass of fine wine and an occasional beer. Main exercise is scuba diving. His favorite pastime is restoring and showing antique and classic cars. Astrological sign: Cancer. Chinese sign: born in the Year of the Rat.
Pitt, George. Served in World War II, then worked his way through law school selling cars. Dirk Pitt's father and senior senator from California. Elected to the Senate the same year as the president in Deep Six. Head of the Naval Appropriations Committee. Heads up the Senate Committee for Oil Exploration on Government Lands. Heads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Known as the Socrates of the Senate. In Vixen 03, he tells Daggat he plans to retire next year but changes his mind. Married to the former Barbara Nash, who was named Susan in Dragon. Lives in a colonial home on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C. Owns a ski chalet in Breckenridge, Colorado. Known for wearing expensive suits with a California golden poppy in the lapel.
Pochinsky, Zerri. Secretary to Dirk Pitt. A lively type, with a contagious smile and hazel eyes. Thirty years old at the time of Night Probe! she has never married. Full-bodied with long, fawn-colored hair that falls below her shoulders. Pitt has considered having an affair with her, but he doesn't believe in messing around with his staff.
Sandecker, Admiral James. Graduated U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1939. Made flag rank in the Navy before age fifty. Once served on the U.S.S. Iowa. Last command was the Navy guided-missile cruiser Tucson. In Night Probe! he is listed as age sixty-one. Lives in a condominium at the Watergate in Washington, D.C. six miles from the NUMA headquarters. Height is a few inches over five feet. Has a thick head of red hair that shows little indication of white. Has a precisely trimmed red Van Dyke beard. Has cold, authoritative blue eyes. Sleeps only four hours a night. Long divorced, he has a daughter and three grandchildren who five in Hong Kong. A vegetarian and health nut, he jogs and lifts weights. Takes numerous vitamins including garlic pills every day. Smokes ten custom made cigars a day. Likes to dine at the Army and Navy Club. Also a member of the John Paul Jones Club. Has an old Navy double-ender whale boat he cruises on Sundays on the Potomac River for relaxation. After retiring from the Navy, he was made the chief director of the National Underwater and Marine Agency by then-President Ford. When he began at NUMA, it was an insignificant eighty-person agency. He built NUMA into a massive organization of five thousand scientists and employees with an annual budget that exceeds four hundred million dollars.
Smith, Loren. Congresswoman from Colorado's Seventh Distnct, the district west of the Continental Divide. Her family has ranched the western slope of Colorado since the 1870s. Educated at the University of Colorado. Height is five feet eight inches. Age at the time of Deep Six is thirty-seven. She has cinnamon-colored hair cut long to frame her prominent cheekbones. Violet-colored eyes. Never married. Chest measurement is 34-B. At the time of Inca Gold, she is a five-term congresswoman. Lives in a townhouse in Alexandria, Virginia. Owns a cat named Ichabod. Dates Dirk Pitt, whom she met at a lawn party given by the secretary of the envirorunent ten years ago.
Wolff, Julie. Admiral Sandecker's personal secretary in the later books.
Yaeger, Hiram. Nicknamed Pinocchio because he always sticks his nose in where it doesn't belong via his computer. Decorated three-tour Vietnam veteran who served with the U.S. Navy SEALS. Lured from California's Silicon Valley by Sandecker to head NUMA's vast computer network that includes a catalog of all known shipwrecks worldwide. Works on the tenth floor of NUMA Headquarters. Formerly lived on a farm in Sharpsburg, Maryland; he now resides in a fashionable residential section of Maryland. Has a wife who is an artist and two pretty, smart teenage daughters who attend private school. Had a 1989 Ford Taurus station wagon but now drives a non production BMW. Traditionally wears Levi's and a Levi's jacket along with scruffy cowboy boots. Has graying long blond hair he wears tied back in a ponytail that frames a boyish face. Has a scraggly beard he sometimes braids. Wears granny glasses.
The World of NUMA
Andrews Air Force Base. Air Force base near Washington, D.C. Central Intelligence Agency. U.S. intelligence agency located in Langley, Virginia, on a 219-acre site. The headquarters building is a sprawling gray marble and concrete structure. A statue of Nathan Hale stands outside the entrance.
Dulles Airport. Commercial airport in Washington, D.C. Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is the U.S. governmental agency that handles issues related to the environment.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI is an anticrime force that operates under the umbrella of the Department of Justice. The headquarters of the FBI are at Pennsylvania Avenue and Tenth Street in Washington, D.C.
G.R.U. Acronym standing for Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upraviemye. Chief intelligence directorate of the Soviet general staff. Best described as the Soviet military intelligence agency.
INTERPOL. An international police agency.
KGB. Soviet intelligence agency, also known as the Committee for State Security National Security Agency. U.S. intelligence agency that often works with NUMA. Based at Fort Meade, Maryland, the NSA speciakes in cipher development and cracking as well as electronic eavesdropping and satellite communications and detection. Operates under the Department of Defense.
National Security Council. Advisors to the president of the United States.
NUMA Headquarters. A thirty-story tubular structure sheeted in green reflective glass that sits on an East Washington hill above the Potomac River. Admiral Sandecker's office is on the top floor and features an immense desk made from the refinished hatch cover salvaged from a Confederate blockade runner that was sunk in Albemarle Sound. On his desk is a humidor from which Giordino allegedly steals cigars. The office is equipped with a holographic television camera so Sandecker can view the people he is talking to in 3-D splendor. The twelfth floor is an immense equipment-laden area covering fifteen thousand square feet manned by forty-five engineers and technicians who monitor the six NUMA satellites circling the globe. The tenth floor has the glass-enclosed computer center run by Hiram Yaeger. The fourth floor has the NUMA boardroom featuring a three-meter-long conference table built from a section of a wooden hull salvaged from a schooner that sank to the bottom of Lake Erie, along with thick turquoise carpeting and a fireplace with a Victorian mantelpiece. The walls are paneled in satiny teak, and there are paintings of U.S. naval actions in ornate frames. The fourth floor also has Pitt's and Giordino's offices. The lobby is an atrium surrounded by waterfalls and aquariums filled with exotic sea life. A huge globe rises from the center of the sea-green marble floor, contoured with the geological furrows and ridges of every sea, large lake and river on earth. The building has an underground parking garage.
Pitt's home. The address of Pitt's aircraft hangar/home is 266 Airport Place, Washington, D.C. 20001. The hangar is on a little-used runway at Washington International Airport and was built in 1936. Formerly housing an air carrier that was absorbed by American Airlines, the building was scheduled for demolition in 1980. Pitt bought the building, restored the inside, then had it placed on the National Register of Historic Landmarks. From outside, the hangar appears deserted-weeds surround the building, and the corrugated walls are weathered and devoid of paint. The appearance is merely a ruse. The hangar has the latest in security measures, including an alarm system Pitt deactivates by the use of a small transmitter carried in his pocket. Outside, remote cameras film guests arriving and alert Pitt to any danger. The hangar floor is polished concrete and houses Pitt's transportation collection. Nearly fifty cars cover the ten thousand square feet, including a Hispano-Suiza, a MercedesBenz 540 a Marmon town car, a beautiful blue TalbotLago, a Cord L-29, a Pierce-Arrow town car with matchmg Travelodge travel trailer, a stunning turquoise-green Stutz town car, along with a pair of RoUs-Royces, a big Daimler convertible, a Bugatti, an Isotta-Fraschini, a Delahaye, an AC Cobra, a Maybach-Zeppelin town car, a Renault Open-Drive Landaulette, a Jensen four door convertible, an Avions-Voisin, an Allard J2X and the first car in Pitt's collection, a 1946 Ford Club Coupe. Pitt often drives his 1984 Jeep Grand Wagoneer that features a 500-horsepower Rodeck engine taken from a wrecked dragster. Other artifacts include a Ford Trimotor Tin Goose airplane, a Messerschmitt 262 Swallow, a Pullman Railroad car The Manhattan Limited, an old cast-iron bathtub with an outboard motor attached and a weird-looking inflatable raft with sails and a carved Haida Indian totem pole. At the far end of the garage is an ornate wrought-iron spiral staircase and a cargo elevator. The door at the top leads to a living room-study filled with shelves stacked with books about the sea along with glass encased models of ships Pitt discovered while working with NUMA. A trophy case holds football and fencing trophies. Copper diver's helmets, mariner's compasses and wooden helm pieces share space with ships' bells and old nails and bottles from shipwrecks Pitt has excavated. A door to one side of the study leads into a large bedroom decorated like a sailing ship's captain's cabin, complete with a huge wheel as a backboard for the bed. The opposite end of the living room opens into a kitchen and dining room.
Politburo. The primary decision makers for the Soviet Communist Party.
SEALS. Elite U.S. Navy Special Forces group. The acronym stands for Sea, Air and Land.
Secret Service. Division of the U.S. Treasury Department. Handles anti counterfeiting, presidential protection and other duties.
United States Customs Service. Works to stop smuggling of illegal goods.
Washington National Airport. Location of Pitt's aircraft hangar/home.
Pacific Vortex
AC Cobra. The car Pitt drives in Pacific Vortex. Built in England, they featured Ford 289-cubic-inch and 427-cubic-inch engines.
Andrei Vyborg. A Russian spy ship posing as an oceanographic vessel. Follows the 101st Salvage Fleet when they attempt to locate the Starbuck.
Blue fin. U.S. Navy ship. Disappeared but was eventually located near seamount.
Boland, Lieutenant Commander Paul. Tall and blond. Resembles John F. Kennedy. Wounded by the men who board the Martha Ann.
Bounty. The ship made famous in Mutiny on the Bounty. The ship was later burned at Pitcairn Island. Mentioned in prologue.
Butcher, Lieutenant Robert. The marine leader of the fierce attack on the radio transmitter located on Maui. The transmitter was thought to be lightly guarded, but Pisces Metal Company had sold it to the Russians.
Carter, Lieutenant. Crewman on the submarine Starbuck. Mentioned in Dupree's log recovered by Pitt.
Cat T. Located off Cuba, site where NUMA detected a mysterious underwater object. (See. Kurile Trench.)
Chrysler, Dr. Elmer. Chief of research for Tripler Hospital. A short little man with a completely shaven head. Has brown eyes behind horned-rimmed glasses.
Cinana, Captain Orly. The officer in charge of Admiral Hunter's salvage fleet. Heavyset. Killed by intruders while in bed with Adrian Hunter. Was secretly cooperating with Delphi Moran.
Colt .44. Pistol used when Delphi attempts to fire at Pitt. Giordino jams his little finger into the barrel. When Delphi fires, it backfires and blows the side of his face off.
Crowhaven, Lieutenant Commander Samuel. An engineering officer on a submarine, he is drafted to lead the divers on the rescue effort. Described as blond with Scandinavian features. He brings the Starbuck to the surface.
Danzig, Corporal. Spad leader attacking the radio transmitter.
Denver, Commander Burdefte. Described as short, almost gnome like. Aide to Admiral Hunter.
DG-10. The poison that was in the syringe Pitt took from Summer Moran. Extremely difficult to detect, it makes a body have the appearance of a heart seizure.
Dodge truck, gray. The vehicle that was carrying the man who fired at Pitt after he left the museum. The man was later impaled on a spike on a telephone pole.
Douglas C-54. The four-engine plane flown by Pitt and Giordino to the seamount to launch the rescue effort.
Dupree, Commander Fred. Commanding officer of the U.S. nuclear submarine Starbuck. He has served twenty years at sea, fourteen of those in submarines. His classmates at Annapolis nicknamed him "The Data Bank."
Explorer. Listed as the first ship lost in the Pacific Vortex. The Explorer was under charter to the Pisces Metal Company when Lavella and Roblemann disappeared.
F-4. A U.S. Navy submarine that sank in sixty fathoms off the entrance of Pearl Harbor. In 1915, it was successfully raised.
Farris, Seaman First Class. Crewman on the submarine Starbuck, mentioned in Dupree's log that was recovered by Pitt. Later discovered still alive on board the Starbuck.
FHX. A new long-range helicopter that Pitt is certified to fly. NUMA loans the helicopter and Pitt to the 101st Salvage Fleet.
Fujuna, Henry. A fourth-generation Japanese-Hawaiian fisherman. His fishing boat is cut in half by the Martha Ann as it returns to base guided by control computers.
Fullerton Fracture Zone. The area where the Pacific Vortex is located.
Harper, Lieutenant. The engine-room officer on the Martha Ann. Weighs over two hundred fifty pounds.
Hunter, Adrian. Daughter of Admiral Hunter. Has long black hair. Her skin is the tone of polished bronze. A tramp, she is the only woman Pitt cannot satisfy.
Hunter, Admiral Leigh. Admiral in charge of the 101st Salvage Fleet. Tall and wizened. His hair is bushy and white. Has a cadaverous face.
Hyperion missiles. Nuclear missiles carried on board the Starbuck.
Iolani Palace. The only royal palace on American soil. Was the building that housed the Hawaii 5-0 offices. Mentioned by George Papaaloa.
Ishiyo Maru. Japanese oil tanker of 8,106 tons. Reported missing in the Pacific Vortex September 14, 1964. The second sunken vessel spotted by the Martha Ann.
Kaena Point, Hawaii. The point in the Kauai Channel off Oahu. The spot where Pitt was sunning when he spotted the yellow communications capsule.
Kamehameha. Also known as Kamehameha the Great. King of Hawaii. Pitt is helping George Papaaloa from the museum try to locate his grave.
Kanoli. A mythical island to the north of Hawaii. Described as a barren island with few coconuts or palm trees. Also lacks streams of cold clear water. Settlers tamed the land over several generations, then proclaimed themselves gods. The natives of Kanoh then raided Kauai, Oahu, Hawaii and other islands in the Hawaiian chain.
Kurile Trench. The area off Japan where NUMA scientists detected a vessel moving underwater at very high speed and a great depth. Estimates placed the object moving one hundred ten miles an hour at nineteen thousand feet deep.
Lavera. A physicist who specialized in hydrology.
Lillie Marlene. A mysterious ship that was discovered adrift in the Pacific Vortex. A former British torpedo boat converted to luxury yacht. Owned by Herbert Verhusson, a nationally recognized film producer. On July 13, 1968, it radioed a distress call to the Coast Guard saying that it was being attacked by men who came out of the mist.
March, Lieutenant. The Martha Ann's navigation officer. He served four years in nuclear submarines and is an accomplished Scuba diver. Was murdered on the Starbuck.
Martha Ann. The 101st Salvage Fleet's top search and salvage vessel. The ship is modern but designed to look very old. It has the superstructure of an older ship-a square boxlike shape to the superstructure and an old-fashioned vertical smokestack. Painted black with the usual red waterline; the paint used is a special compound that appears to be rusted. On the stem is painted "Martha Ann-SEATTLE." It sails with a small crew as the ship is completely computerized and controlled automatically.
Mauser. Model 712 Schnell Fueur Pistole serial number 47405. Fifty-round clip. Has the ability to fire single shot or automatic. Pitt's choice of protection when he goes for a drive in the AC Cobra.
Metford, Seaman. Crewman on the submarine Starbuck, mentioned in Dupree's log that was recovered by Pitt.
Moana Valley Lookout. A scenic lookout near the scene of the accident with the gray Dodge truck.
Monitor. The ship that launches a Hyperion missile at the seamount in the Pacific Vortex. Named after the famous Civil War ironclad.
Moran, Delphi. Described as six feet eight inches tall. Has blazing golden eyes. His face is long and gaunt and framed by a heavy layer of unkempt silver hair.
Moran, Dr. Frederick. Father of Delphi and grandfather of Summer. Called "The Oracle of Psychic Unity." Described as a giant with yellow eyes. Was one of the United States' great classical anthropologists.
Moran, Summer. The most exotic woman Pitt has ever seen. She possesses eyes so gray, they defy reality, and her hair falls in an enchanting cascade of red, presenting a vibrant contrast against the green Oriental sheath dress that adheres to her curvaceous body. Granddaughter of Frederick Moran, daughter of Delphi Moran.
New Century. A ship salvaged by the 101st Salvage Fleet off Libya.
Oceanic Star. A Liberian freighter of 5,135 tons carrying a cargo of rubber and farm machinery. Was reported missing in the Pacific Vortex! June 14, 1949. The first sunken vessel that the Martha Ann spotted.
Pants, Avery Anson. Singer of "The Great Bikini Ripoff," number twelve on the charts. A song played by Aloha Willie on radio station POPO.
Papaaloa, George. Museum curator at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History. Described as tall with white hair. Has a wide brown face, jutting chin, large lips and misty brown eyes.
Pisces Metal Company. The company that was chartering the Explorer when Lavella and Roblemann disappeared in the Pacific Vortex. Also the company that owned the radio-transmitting facility on a remote corner of Maui that was used to disrupt radio distress calls.
Pisces Parent Corporation. Parent company of Pisces Metal Company.
Plumeria. A plant that grows in Hawaii with a beautiful fragrance. Pitt also notices it is the scent that aummer wears.
Riley, Lieutenant. The officer Paul Boland orders to issue the crew of the Martha Ann sidearms after the fog begins to cover the ship.
Roblemann. A renowned surgeon who was experimenting with a mechanical gill system so humans would be able to absorb oxygen from water.
Romando Region. A region in the Pacific southeast of Japan where ships disappear. Could be compared to the Bermuda Triangle.
San Gabriel. The first ship to appear in response to the Lillie Marlene's Mayday call. After sending a boarding party to the Lillie Marlene, they find the crew dead and their bodies turned green, their faces melted away. When the San Gabriel attempts to tow the Lillie Marlene, the ship explodes with a huge blast and sinks.
Scopoinmine. Also referred to as truth serum. The liquid that was in the syringe Summer tried to inject into Pitt.
Scorpion. U.S. Navy ship. Mysteriously disappeared but was eventually located.
Selco-Ramsey 8300. The computer system that runs the Martha Ann.
Selma Snoop. A small, blue, watertight, battery operated, direction-device. It helps navigate the Douglas C-54 to the seamount for the rescue.
South wind. A ship salvaged in the Black Sea by the 101st Salvage Fleet.
Sphyma levini. Latin name for the hammerhead shark.
Stanley, Lieutenant. The Detection Room officer on the Martha Ann. Killed by the boarding party from the seamount.
Starbuck. U.S. nuclear submarine. Built in San Francisco, the vessel features a computer-designed pressure hull. Capable of cruising at one hundred twenty-five knots at two thousand feet below the surface. Total crew of sixty-three.
Tan Maru. A ship salvaged off China by the 101st Salvage Fleet.
Thresher. U.S. Navy submarine. Mysteriously disappeared but was eventually located.
Tripler Military Hospital. The location where Pitt lands the FHX helicopter with the survivors of the attack on the Martha Ann. Described as a great concrete edifice perched on a hill overlooking the south coast of Oahu.
Verhusson, Herbert. Nationally recognized film producer and owner of the Lillie Marlene, a ship discovered adrift in the Pacific Vortex.
Vortex, Pacific. An area off Hawaii similar to the Bermuda Triangle where ships disappear with regularity. Thirty-eight ships are reported missing in the area. Described as a circular area north of the Hawaiian Islands.
Waikiki Beach, Hawaii. The beach Pitt and Summer Moran walk on when they first meet. Also where Summer attacks Pitt. Pitt prevails and takes Summer hostage, holding her in his hotel room. She escapes through the window.
Wikie, Aloha. Late-night disc jockey on radio station POPO. Relays the riddle to Admiral Hunter that comes over his frequency.
Yeager, Seaman G. Admiral Hunter's aide. Thinks Pitt is crazy after he shows up at the admiral's office dressed only in a bathing suit.
York, Dr. Raymond. Head of the Marine Geology Department for the Eton School of Oceanography. Described as big, over six feet tall and wide in the shoulders. Has perfectly spaced teeth and large hands.
The Mediterranean Caper
Admiral DeFosse. French ironclad ship sunk in 1872 near Thasos.
Albatros D-3. German-made World War I bi-wing airplane. A single-seater with a rigid spoked-wheel landing gear, a wooden propeller and fabric-covered wings. Powered by a single in-line engine. Painted bright yellow with black Maltese crosses on the wings and fuselage. In the German Imperial Air Service from 1916 to 1918.
Alien Dive Bright. An aluminum-cased dive light waterproof to a nine-hundred-foot depth. Pitt and Giordino use it to illuminate the labyrinth so they can investigate.
Alopeda areata. A skin disease that causes complete baldness. The real Bruno von Till suffered from this disease.
Athena. The donkey Pitt rode to town after escaping the labyrinth.
Brady Air Force Base. The U.S. Air Force base in Greece where much of The Mediterranean Caper takes place.
Brown's Nautical ac. The book of charts Pitt locates in the chart room of the Queen Artemisia.
C-133 cargomaster. The U.S. Air Force cargo planes stationed at Brady Field.
Clara G. British collier sunk in 1856 near Thasos.
Clisenti automatic pistol. The weapon carried by Colonel Zeno.
Coelacanth. A fish thought to be extinct over seventy million years until one was found off the coast of East Africa.
Confident, ILNLS. British ship famous for keel-hulling one of its crew after he was caught stealing a cup of brandy from the captain's cabin.
Diana Gaa. An old tramp steamer that Gunn remembers Pitt using to locate the mysterious seamount in Pacific Vortex. Interesting, because if you read Pacific Vortex, that is not the name of the ship Pitt is aboard.
Daphne. British gunboat sunk off Thasos.
Darius, Captain. Member of the Greek Gendarmerie and Colonel Zeno's partner. Described as two inches taller than Pitt and looking like a chiseled stone colosSUS. Pitt estimates he must weigh at least 260 pounds. His face is miss proportioned and strikingly repulsive. He actually is working for Bruno von Till and shoots Pitt in the thigh in the underwater cave. Executed by Colonel Zeno.
Dragonet fish. A vivid blue and yellow scaleless fish spotted by the divers as they swim toward the underwater cave.
Ea, Delphi. Mentioned briefly on page 186. We seem to have caught Clive on this one. When Pacific Vortex was finally published, he had changed the name to Delphi Moran.
F-105 Starfire jet. The U.S. Air Force jets stationed at Brady Field. (The actual Air Force name for the F-105 was Thunderchief-its nickname "THUD.") First Attempt. N UMA search vessel that was being used for the expedition to find a Teaser. Described as one hundred fifty-two feet in length and displacing eight hundred twenty tons. Has eight crew members and fourteen scientists on board.
French Sureti. The French elite police who are assisting in cracking the heroin-smuggling ring.
Ganges River. The polluted river in India that Colonel Lewis says he will settle for a drink from. Pitt offers him a Fix beer instead.
Greek National Tourist Organization. The organization that operates the tour of the ruin of the theater where Pitt ends up when he escapes from the labyrinth.
Hawk of Macedonia. Nickname for German flying ace Lieutenant Kurt Heibert. Assigned to Jagdstaffel 91, he attained thirty-two victories before attacking a weather balloon and being downed. He was reported lost in the Aegean Sea July 15, 1918.
Hersong, Gustaf. The lanky six-foot-tall marine botanist on the First Attempt. Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house.
Hypsarion. The mountain that is the highest point on the island of Thasos.
Japanese I-boat. Japanese submarine that Bruno von Till uses as the launching platform for the Albatros. Hidden inside the underwater cave, the submarine had been sunk by an American destroyer off Iwo Jima in 1945, then raised by Minerva Lines in 1951.
Knight, Dr. Ken. Described as young, blond and well tanned, he has a long, sparse yellow beard. A brilliant marine geophysicist.
Lewis, James. Air Force colonel and commanding officer at Brady Field.
Liminas, Greece. A small village six miles north, up the road from Brady Field.
Limpet mine. The type of underwater mine that Giordino wants to attach to the hull of the Queen Artemisia.
Macrocystis pyrifera. A brown algae of the Phaeophyta family. The kelp is native to the Pacific coast of the United States. Spotted by Gustaf Hersong in the underwater cave. He claims that it is fake, a plastic replica.
Mauser. The vest-pocket .25-caliber handgun that Giordino brandishes at Inspector Zacynthus when he is planning to jail Pitt and Giordino. The gun belongs to Teri von Till, and Giordino discovered it taped to her leg.
Maybach-Zeppelin. The 1936 German automobile that Bruno von Till sent to pick up Pitt to bring him to dinner at his home. A town car body style with a divider between the passenger and the chauffeur. The coachwork is painted a deep multicolored silver, and the fenders and running boards are painted black. The tires sport a distinctive diamond-shaped pattern. Pitt ends up with the automobile.
Mayday. The original name for the book The Mediterranean Caper, published in England as such. Also an internationally recognized distress call.
Mediterranean Tenth Fleet. The U.S. Navy battle group that Pitt recommends operate the submarine recovered from the underwater cave.
Minerva Lines. Bruno von Till's shipping company. His ships are described as decrepit rust buckets and feature a big yellow M painted on the smoke funnels.
Mini-Cooper. Tiny British automobile that Teri von Till drives. Her Mini-Cooper is a British racing green model with an open top. She purchased the car in London and drove it to Greece from Le Havre, France.
Moody, Airman second Class. The air policeman at the front gate the morning Pitt awakens early and decides to go for a swim in the ocean.
Panaghia, Greece. The town near Brady Field.
PBY-086. A twin Pratt and Whitney-engined flying boat. The call numbers for the PBY in the book are PBY-086.
Pit of Hades. A vast underground labyrinth with a hundred different passages and only two openings, an entrance and a hidden exit which is a closely guarded secret.
Portuguese Man-of-War. Jellyfish with long purplish tentacles that the divers spot when they are swimming toward the underwater cave.
Primacord. It looks like string or rope and can be made in any thickness. It reacts like a burning fuse, only more rapidly. Pitt feels it was used to sever the cables on the First Attempt.
Queen Artemisia. The Minerva Lines freighter that is carrying heroin to the United States. Pitt SCUBAs out to the ship and searches it, finding no one.
Queen Jocasta. The Minerva Lines freighter that will deliver the heroin to the United States. The Queen Artemisia is a decoy.
Remick, Sophia. The artist who painted an amateurish painting that hangs in the captain's cabin of the Queen Artemisia. The inscription on the painting reads: "To the captain of my heart from his loving wife."
Sayla. Italian brig sunk in 1876 near Thasos.
Sea of Tethys. A great sea that millions of years in the past covered Tibet, India and Central Europe. All that remains of the Sea of Tethys today is the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas.
Spencer, Lee. The red-bearded marine biologist on the First Attempt. Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house.
Star gazer. A bottom-dwelling fish with stony eyes and grotesque fringed lips spotted by the divers as they swim toward the underwater cave.
Teaser. Fish thought to be extinct over two hundred million years until one is spotted by Pitt at the end of the book. Gunn believes it might be one of the first mammals. It might have tiny scales and a smooth porpoise like skin or perhaps even a kind of furry hide like a sea lion.
Thasos Strait. The body of water between the island of Thasos and the Macedonian mainland.
Thasos, Greece. An island in the northern part of the Aegean Sea.
Thomas, Stan. The short runty ship's engineer on the First Attempt. Dives with Pitt into the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house.
U-19. German submarine sunk in 1918 off Thasos. A model of the U-19 is in Bruno von Till's study.
Von Stroheim, Erich. Shaven-skulled German actor mentioned on page 245.
Von Till, Bruno. Described as being heavyset with a round, typically German face featuring shaved head, shifty eyes and no neck. Claims he flew with the Hawk of Macedonia, Kurt Heibert, but is actually his brother, Admiral Erich Heibert, commander of Nazi Germany's transportation fleet. Wanted for war crimes. The actual Bruno von Till was murdered in England by Erich Heibert.
Von Till, Teri. Around thirty years old. Her figure is described as a beguiling mixture of grace and firmness. Dark brown eyes and shoulder-length black hair. She has a small pockmark beside her right temple. Was married to a motorcar salesman who raced cars and was killed in the crash of his supercharged MG. Before Pitt has his way with her on the beach, she claims she was celibate for almost nine years. Half Greek and half German. Born in Greece but raised in England. Alleged niece to Bruno von Till but actually a substitute. Real name Amy.
Whaleboat. The First Attempt's shore boat was described as twenty-six feet in length and with double ends. It was powered by a single four-cylinder Buda engine.
Willie. Bruno von Till's driver and assistant. Biondhaired. Wears silver-rimmed spectacles. Wears jackboots with hobnails. Pitt punches him in the nose, breaking it, for spying on him and Teri making love on the beach. Is killed when the weather balloon rigged with explosives blows the Albatros from the sky.
Woodson, Omar. The expedition photographer on the First Attempt. Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house.
Zacynthus, inspector Hercules, Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Friends call him Zac. An American described as a tall, thin man with large, sad eyes. Has uncommonly even teeth and smokes a pipe. Has neatly styled hair.
Zeno, Colonel Polyclitus Anaxamander. The Greek Gendarmerie inspector who poses as a Greek National Tourist Organization tour guide and takes Pitt and Giordino into custody after they search Bruno von Till's study. Described as having a broad, white-toothed smile beneath his great mustache.
Andursson, Golfur. Chief gillie, or river warden, for the Rarfur River. Described as having a stern face with sea-blue eyes. Gray hair flowing around a broad forehead like a helmet on a warrior in a Flemish painting. An old man, age somewhere beyond seventy years, wearing a worn turtleneck sweater. He rescues Pitt, who has collapsed from the long walk from the staged helicopter crash. Andursson takes him in a Land Rover to his home and allows him to use his radio transmitter. Pitt radios Admiral Sandecker, who sends help by plane.
Arnarson, Sergeant. Policeman who patrols the village where Pitt is taken after the helicopter crash. Is murdered and his identity assumed by phony policeman. Described as having been five foot nine and one hundred seventy pounds. When Dr. Jonsson confirms his size, Pitt notes he is probably dead and one of the phony policemen is wearing his uniform.
B-92. USAF reconnaissance bomber that flies at twelve hundred miles an hour. The plane Pitt takes from Iceland to Disneyland.
Boyle, Jack. Australian coal tycoon. Member of Hermit Limited.
Brady. Texan and white-jacketed steward on the Catawaba.
Cashman, Sergeant Sam. Does freelance hydraulic work on the black Lorelei executive jet that attacks Pitt and Hunnewell. When Pitt recovers the landing gear of the crashed jet, it has the initials S.C on the part, and the initials lead him to Cashman. He is assigned to Eighty-seventh Air Transport Squadron. A former crop duster in Oklahoma, he is also the pilot of the Ford Trimotor that flies the rescue team to the staged helicopter crash.
Castile, Pablo. President of the Dominican Republic who is targeted to be assassinated by Hermit Limited killers inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. Plot is foiled by Pitt and Naval Intelligence.
Catawaba. A Coast Guard supercutter. Commanded by Lieutenant Commander Lee Koski. The control room is described as science-fiction space movie. From floor to ceiling, the four steel bulkheads stand buried behind a mechanical avalanche of computers, television monitors and instrumented consoles. Endless rows of technically labeled switches and knobs, garnished by enough colored lights to fill a casino marquee in Las Vegas. Has air-search radar, surface-search radar scanners, the latest Loran-type navigational equipment of medium, high and ultra-high frequencies, not to mention computerized navigation plotting. Manned by seventeen officers and one hundred sixty enlisted men. The ship cost between twelve and thirteen million and was built at the North gate shipyards in Wilmington, Delaware.
Chloral hydrate. Substance Pitt suspects was slipped to the passengers and crew of the Lax to knock them out prior to the fire. This explains why the crew was still at duty stations.
De Croix, Joan. President of French Guiana who is targeted to be assassinated by Hermit Limited killers inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. Plot is foiled by Pitt and Naval Intelligence.
Devonshire, Clarence. Master inspector at Lorelei Aircraft Limited.
Disneyland. Amusement park in Anaheim, California. The location Hermit Limited chooses to assassinate the heads of French Guiana and the Dominican Republic. Plot is foiled inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride by Pitt and Naval Intelligence.
Dover, Lieutenant Amos. The Catawaba's executive officer. Described as looking like a big bear; his voice seemed to growl from somewhere deep within his stomach.
Dupuy, Roger. French millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.
Ford Trimotor. The famed Tin Goose. Powered by three 200-horsepower engines, with one directly in front of the cockpit and one on each wing. Described as having a corrugated aluminum skin.
Fyrie, Kirsti. Kristjan Fyrie's twin sister.
Fyrie, Kristjan. Described as a genius, adventurer, scientist, legend, the tenth-richest man in the world before age twenty-five. A kind and gentle person untouched by his fame and wealth. Wears a beautifully hand-crafted ring inlaid with eight different semiprecious stones native to Iceland, each carved in the likeness of an ancient Nordic god. At eighteen, when a seaman on a Greek freighter, he jumped on the coast of Mozambique. He caught the diamond fever and began diving in the waters offshore as all the ground leases were tied up. After five months of diving, he found diamonds and with the help of the black natives formed a company to mine them commercially. Within two years of the find, he was worth forty million dollars. After that, he mined manganese off Vancouver Island and brought in an oil field in Peru. His parents died in a fire when he was very young. Only known relative is a twin sister. After sex change, assumes Kirsti Fyrie's identity.
Grims. The vessel Pitt, Tidi Royal and Admiral Sandecker borrow to look for the black jet that attacked Pitt and Hunnewejl. Owned by Oskar Rodheim, the old forty-foot fishing boat is not what it appears. It is powered by twin 420-horsepower Sterling gas engines and has a top-of-the-line Fleming six-ten fathometer. Described as having a square wheelhouse, perched just five feet from the stern. A very old boat-as old as the antique compass mounted beside her helm. Her mahogany deck planks are worn smooth, but she still is strong and true.
Hadley, Seaman First Class Buzz. Coast Guard radar operator who notices the iceberg on radar and notifies Lieutenant Neth and Ensign Rapp.
Hermit Limited. An evil consortium led by Oskar Rodheim that secretly merges the great mining companies from the northern border of Guatemala to the tip of Chile.
Howard, Dorothy. An attractive red-haired British actress present at the poetry reading at Oskar Rodheim's mansion.
Hull, Captain Ben. Described as a great bull of a man, tan-faced, with long blond sideburns. Head of the rescue crew on the Ford Trimotor that picks up Pitt at Golfur Andursson's house and then flies to the staged helicopter crash to aid the survivors.
Hummek Hans Von. Small, rotund, lively, with a bald head. German millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.
Hunnewell, Dr. Bill. Ph.D. in oceanography. Employed by NUMA and a passenger on the helicopter Pitt lands on the Catawaba. Tours the burned-out hulk of the Lax with Pitt and is flying in helicopter from the Catawaba to Iceland when the helicopter is attacked by a black British-made executive jet. After Pitt downs the jet by smashing it with the helicopter's rotor blade, Pitt and Hunnewell crash in the ocean. Hunnewell is badly shot in the left arm but dies on the beach in Iceland from a bad heart. A member of Hermit Limited, the consortium arranged by Oskar Rodheim to take over Central and South America.
Jonsson, Dr. Treats Pitt after helicopter crash and pronounces cause of death for Hunnewell.
Kelly, F. James. Thin, distinguished, with silver hair and beard. American billionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.
Kelly, Sam. Older brother of F. James Kelly. Described as a round-shouldered heavy character in his middle seventies, with blue, knifing eyes deep set in a wizened face. Dies of an apparent heart attack at the staged helicopter crash.
Kippell Don. The chief of the Naval Intelligence Agency. Described as short and almost as broad as a chair. Bald and with gray eyes. He shows up at Admiral Sandecker's office with orders signed by the secretary of defense for Pitt's reassignment. Pitt is ordered to assist Naval Intelligence by spotting the Hermit Limited killers at Disneyland.
Kosk Lieutenant Commander Lee. Forty-one years old. Has served in Coast Guard eighteen years. Described as very short with blue eyes and shaggy wheat-colored hair. Conlmander of the Catawaba, the Coast Guard's newest supercutter.
Lax Yacht. Owned by Kristjan Fyrie that is discovered inside the iceberg by Pitt and Hunnewell. Supposedly had fifteen people on board including eight engineers from FYrie Mining Limited. When it was last sighted by a Standard Oil tanker before Pitt finds it in the iceberg, its location was six hundred miles off Cape Farewell, Greenland.
Lazard, Dan. Chief of park security for Disneyland. Described as a big, tall, pipe-smoking man whose eyes stare out at Pitt from behind fashionable rimless glasses.
Lillie, Jerome P. IV. Naval Intelligence Agency officer who poses as a cab driver when he meets Pitt. Part of the Lillie beer family of St. Louis, Missouri. Is also one of the people rescued from the staged helicopter crash.
Lorelei Mark VM-Bl6O8. The black executive jet that attacks the helicopter Pitt and Hunnewell are flying. Built by Lorelei Aircraft Limited in Great Britain and powered by twin turbine engines.
Mahani, lban. Iranian millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.
Marks, Sir Eric. British millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.
Matajic, Dr. Len. Works for NUMA studying currents below ten thousand feet. Has a camp on an ice floe in Baffin Bay with partner Jack O'Riley. Disappears after he recognizes the Lax under a different name.
Mundsson, Bjarni. Boy who finds Pitt and Hunnewell on the beach after the helicopter crash and goes for help. Son of Thorsteinn Mundsson, farmer.
Mundsson, Thorsteinn. Farmer and father of the boy who found Pitt on the beach when he was injured in the helicopter crash.
Nagel, Colonel. The Air Force commanding officer at Keflavik Air Base, Iceland, and commanding officer of Sam Cashman.
Neth, Lieutenant Sam. Pilot of the huge four-engined Coast Guard patrol plane in the prologue. He is reading a paperback when told that an iceberg has been spotted.
Newporter Inn. Location in Newport Beach, California, where Pitt was with a gorgeous sex-mad redhead a week before he flew out to the Catawaba. Also where he tells the cab driver he wants to go in the last sentence of the book.
Novgorod. A Russian trawler crammed with the latest and most sophisticated electronic detection gear Soviet science has yet devised. It also allegedly contains the codes and data for their entire Western Hemisphere surveillance program. Supposedly crewed by thirty-five men and women, it is said to have remained off Greenland for three months. The story is a lie Pitt fabricates to explain to the captain of the Catawaba why he needs to land on his ship.
O'Riley, Jack. NUMA employee. Studying current flows below ten thousand feet with Dr. Len Matajic on an ice floe in Baffin Bay. Disappears after being told by Matajic that he recognized the ship they went on as the Lax.
Rapp, Ensign James. Copilot of the Coast Guard patrol plane in the prologue.
Rodbeim, Oskar. Described as a tall, snowy-haired, distinguished-looking figure, fairly young, late thirties, with his face strong and lined by years of ocean gales and salt air. His eyes are a cool ice-blue above a strong, narrow nose and a mouth that looks goodnaturedly warm. Owner of Rodheim Industries, a fishing company that uses boats painted blue and flying a red flag with an albatross. Early in Iceberg, he is engaged to Kirsti Fyrie and they are planning to merge their companies. Pitt warns that the combination of the two companies will give them control of the North Atlantic. Naval Intelligence file 078-34. Alias Max Rolland, alias Hugo von Klausen, alias Chatford Marazan. Real name Carzo Butera. Born in Brooklyn, New York, July 15, 1940.
Royal Tidi. Admiral Sandecker's personal secretary. Can type one hundred twenty words a minute for eight hours without a yawn. Described as long-bodied with smiling brown eyes and fawn-colored hair. When Pitt wakes up after being wounded and brought to Reykjavik, she is wearing a red wool dress that clings to her precision-shaped hourglass figure. Described as five foot seven, one hundred thirty-five pounds, thirty-six inches around the hips, an astonishing twenty-three inches around the waist and the bust a probable thirty-six C-cup. All in all, a figure that belongs on the center spread of Playboy.
Sloan, Lieutenant Jonis. Chief ice observer aboard the four-engined Coast Guard patrol plane that spots the iceberg. Tosses a gallon jar of red dye on the iceberg. The stain is later chipped off, leading to the identification.
Snorrils Restaurant. Located in Reykjavik, Iceland, it is where Pitt first meets Kirsti Fyrie. Described as having a buffet table with over two hundred different native dishes. Pitt counts over twenty different salmon dishes and nearly fifteen of cod. Pitt raves about the raw cured shark meat.
Surtsey. Icelandic for submarine. The new name of the Lax.
Svendborg, Gustav. Radio operator of the burned-out hulk Pitt finds inside the iceberg. His chair was literally burned out from under him, and his corpse is described as a scorched form curled up in a fetus position, the knees drawn up to the chin and the arms pulled tightly against the sides.
Tamareztov. Russian KGB agent opposed to Hermit Limited. Described as a short, stocky man with thinning hair, brown eyes and a limping gait. Rescued from fake helicopter crash. Pitt fulfills the promise he made to him by-returning and rescuing him as well as bringing him a bottle of vodka.
Thorp, Chief. Ordered by Koski to have his men ready to secure Pitt's helicopter the minute it touches down on the Catawaba.
Ulysses Q-55. Helicopter Pitt flies and lands on the Catawaba. Described as a craft capable of nearly two hundred fifty miles an hour.
Ybarra, Jesus. Doctor at the San de Sol Hospital in Veracruz, Mexico. He is the doctor who performs a 165 sex change on Kristjan Fyrie. Member of Hermit Limited.
Zirconium. Purified zirconium is vital in the construction of nuclear reactors because it absorbs little or no radiation. Atomic number forty. Substance Fyrie allegedly found in vast quantities and was on his way to the United States to negotiate with defense contractors about when the Lax disappeared.
Raise the Titanic!
Alhambra. U.S. Navy vessel present at the Titanic recovery site.
Amanda. The hurricane that hits the Titanic after she is raised. Registers force fifteen on the Beaufort scale. Known as the "Great Blow of 1988," the hurricane cut a swath across three thousand miles of ocean in three and a half days before slamming into the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. Estimates of damage ran as high as two hundred fifty million dollars. The death toll from the storm ran from 300 to 325 people.
Antonov, Georgi. Soviet general secretary. Smokes a pipe.
Archangel, Soviet Union. Location where the ship containing Joshua Hays Brewster was bound when he wrecks on Novaya Zemyla. Awaiting rescue, he explores the island and finds byzanium. Saving one sample, he turns the rest over to his employer, Societe des Mines de Lorraine.
Bailey, Dr. Cornelius. Doctor who performs the autopsy on Henry Munk. Described as an elephant of a man, broad-shouldered, with a thrusting square-jawed face. Sandy-colored hair falls down to his collar. His beard is cut in a Van Dyke.
Balboa Bay Club. Club in Newport Beach where Pitt first meets Gene Seagram.
Banque de Lausanne. Bank in Switzerland where Marganin claims Prevlov is stashing money. The account number is AZF 7609. The name on the account is V. Volper, an anagram of Prevlov.
Barshov, Peter. Professor from the Leningrad Institute of Geology who briefs Prevlov about the mine on Novaya Zemlya. Described as having leathery hands and graying hair and smoking a meerschaum pipe.
Bascom, Chief. U.S. Navy chief on the Samuel R. Morse. Described as having the face of a canvas-weary prizefighter and the body of a beer keg. Nicknamed "Bad Bascom."
Beaufort Sea Expedition. Prior NUMA expedition that Sandecker refers to when explaining how he selected the crew for the Lorelei Current Drift Expedition.
Bednaya Mountain, U.S.S.R. Mountain with the byzanium mine on Novaya Island.
Beecher's Island. U.S. Navy aircraft carrier dispatched to the Titanic site.
Beesley, Alexander. The scientist who discovered byzanium in 1902.
Bigalow, John L. Commodore, K.B.E R.D R.N.R. Was a young deck officer on the ill-fated voyage of the Titanic. Last surviving crew member of the Titanic. Described as having deep blue eyes. "The few strands of hair on his head were pure white, as was his beard, and his face showed the ruddy, weathered look of a seafaring man." Presents Pitt with the flag from the Titanic he had snatched as she was sinking. Pitt later hoists the pennant when the ship is raised. Dies after Titanic is raised and is buried at sea.
Bloeser, Emes. Former owner of the Little Angel Mine.
Boleslavski, lssak. Great Russian chess master mentioned by Prevlov to Marganin as they try to determine what the Sicilian Project is. Boleslavski favored a chess strategy named the Sicilian Defense.
Bomberger. A new vessel constructed especially for deep-water salvage.
Boosey-Hawkes. The company that manufactured the comet found on the ocean floor by the Sappho I and later identified as coming from the Titanic. The company is described as a very reputable and very fine British firm. The comet was made in either October or November 1911. The comet is a presentation model and is engraved, "Presented to Graham Farley in sincere appreciation for distinguished performance in the entertainment of our passengers by the grateful management of the White Star Line."
Borodino Restaurant. The restaurant in Moscow where Marganin is to meet the Fat Man to find out more about the Sicilian Project. He receives an envelope with information in the men's room of the restaurant.
Brewster, Joshua Hays. Respected five-foot-two-inch tall mining engineer who led the Coloradans. Born to William Buck Brewster and Hettie Masters in Sidney, Nebraska, on April 4 or 5, 1878. Uncle of Harry Young. Graduated School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Mined in the Klondike and Russia before returning to Leadville, Colorado, to manage the Sour Rock and Buffalo mines which were owned by French financiers. Went mad and sealed himself in the cargo hold of the Titanic.
Brown, "The Unsinkable Molly." Famous passenger on the Titanic. Wife of a Colorado silver baron. Was rescued and lived in Colorado until her death.
Burdick, John. Majority leader of the U.S. Senate. Described as a tall, thin man with a bush of black hair that seldom saw a comb.
Buski. Russian marine guard aboard the Titanic during Hurricane Amanda. Described as a short man with a coarse toughness. The finest marksman in his regiment. He speaks a smattering of English. Shot by U.S. Navy SEALs during Hurricane Amanda.
Butera, Lieutenant Commander Scotty. U.S. Navy lieutenant commander in command of the tugboat Samuel R. WalLace. Described as nearly six feet six inches tall, his chin buried in a magnificent black beard.
Byzanium. The mineral that is believed hidden in the hold of the Titanic. The radioactivity of byzanium is so extreme that it has disappeared in all but trace amounts. The Meta Section needs about eight ounces to fuel the Sicilian Project.
Capricorn. The support tender used on the Titanic project that pumps compressed air into the hull.
Cargo Hold No. 1, G Deck. Area of the Titanic where Joshua Hays Brewster sealed himself as she sank.
Chavez, Tom. Engineer on the Deep Fathom.
Collins, Marshall. Chief Kremlin security advisor to the director of the CIA.
Coloradans. Used by Koplin to describe the hard-rock miners who removed the byzanium from Novaya Zemlya. The Coloradans were said to be Comishmen, Irishmen, Germans and Swedes. Their names were Joshua Hays Brewster, Denver; Alvin Coulter, Fairplay; Thomas Price, Leadville; Charles P. Whidney, Cripple Creek; Vernon S. Hall, Denver; John Caldwell, Central City; Walter Schmidt, Aspen; Warner E. O'Deming, Denver; Jason C. Hobart, Boulder.
Colt revolver. Serial number 204 783. The weapon Gene Seagram plans to use for his suicide on a park bench in East Potomac Park.
Curly. Bald-headed radio operator on the Capricorn.
Current sensor. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that measures the speed and direction of the Lorelei current.
D'Orsini, Claude. Fashion designer who created the dresses worn by both Dana Seagram and Ashley Fleming to a party in Chapter Six.
Deck A Stateroom 33. Stateroom where Joshua Hays Brewster tossed and turned just before the Titanic sank.
Deep Fathom. A submersible that belongs to the Uranus Oil Company. It is used on the Titanic project to install pressure-release valves.
Director of Defense Archives. Head of the division in the Department of Defense that locates the files pertaining to Secret Army Plan 371-990-R85, which pertains to the mining of byzanium.
Donner, Mel. One of the chief evaluators for the Meta Section. Described as short and almost as broad as he is tall. He has wheat-colored hair and melancholy eyes, and his face always seems to be sweating. Doctorate in physics from the University of Southern California.
Donovan, Jack. A structural engineer from Ocean Tech. He is described as a young blond fellow. He is aboard the Sappho II when Munk is murdered.
Doppleman Crane. Type of crane used to pull the door from the vault where the byzanium is supposedly stored.
Dragonfish, U.S.S. U.S. Navy submarine that threatens to retaliate against the Mikhail Kurkov if she fires a Stoski missile at Titanic.
Drummer, Ben. NUMA marine engineer on the Sappho I expedition. Described as a lanky Southerner with a deep Alabama drawl. Aboard the Sappho II when Munk is murdered. Was actually born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and is the Russian agent code-named Gold. His twin brother, Sam Merker, is the Russian agent code-named Silver.
Dugan, Owen. Assistant to Dr. Murray Silverstein.
Farley, Graham. Musician on the Titanic who owned the comet that was found by the Sappho I and later restored by John Vogel. Farley was solo cornetist prior to the Titanic for a period of three years on the Oceanic.
Farquar, Joel. The weatherman on the Capricorn. Farquar is on loan from the Federal Meteorological Services Administration. Described as a studious little red-faced man with utterly no sense of humor and no trace of friendly warmth.
Fergus, Lieutenant. Leader of the U.S. Navy SEALs who recapture Titanic. The SEALs under Fergus's command board the Titanic from a nuclear submarine fifty feet below the surface by exiting the vessel's torpedo tubes.
First Attempt. NUMA research vessel described in The Mediterranean Caper.
Firth of Oyde. Navy submarine base in the British Isles where First Auempt docks after mission.
Fleming, Ashley. Described as Washington, D.C."s, most elegant and sophisticated divorcee. the president's companion at the party in the East Room of the White House in Chapter Six. Wearing same exact dress as Dana Seagram.
Godhawn. Norwegian fishing trawler that tows the First Auempt and Koplin to within two hundred miles of Novaya Zemlya so he can test for traces of byzanium.
Gold. Code name of one of the two Russian operatives at the T recovery site. Pitt discloses during Hurricane Amanda that Gold is actually Ben Drummer.
Gravimeter. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that records gravity readings.
Guggenheim, Benjamin. Millionaire passenger on Titanic. Stood calmly with his secretary, dressed in his finest evening clothes, as the ship sank so he could meet death as a gentleman.
Guthrie and Sons Foundry. Foundry in Pueblo, Colorado, that manufactures the ore cars used by the Coloradans on Novaya Zemlya.
Hobart, Adeline. Widow of Jake Hobart. Resides at 261-B called Aragon, Laguna Hills, California. Described as stout, white-haired with blue eyes and a warm, gentle look. Married Jake Hobart at age sixteen. After Seagram calls the president of the United States, who speaks to her, she discloses she saw her former husband after the Little Angel Mine disaster. She also shows Seagram postcards Jake sent from France.
Hobart, Jake. Coloradan discovered by Sid Koplin in a bunk inside the mine on Novaya Zemlya. Preserved by the cold, his corpse has red hair and a red beard. The inscription above his bed reads: "Here rests Jake Hobart. Born 1874. A damn good man who froze in a storm, February 10, 1912." The Army Records Bureau discloses his full name is Jason Cleveland Hobart, born January 23, 1874, in Vinton, Iowa. Enlisted in the U.S. Army May the Philippines. Promoted to sergeant and suffered serious wounds fighting the Philippine insurrectionists. Twice decorated for meritorious conduct under fire. Hobart left the Army in October 1901. His widow stills draws an army pension of fifty dollars and forty cents a month. His cause of death in the pension records is listed as service related, and the form awarding his widow his pension is signed by Henry L. Stimson, secretary of war under President Taft. Described by his widow, Adeline, as large, over six feet tall and barrel-chested. A blaster 174 or explosives expert, he was considered one of the best in his field.
Hull Peter. Reporter with the New York Times.
Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators. Company that Thor Forge and Ironworks became after merger. Located in Denver, Colorado.
Jensen, Carl Jr. Runs Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators. Described as young, no more than twenty-eight, and wears his hair long. His grandfather bought the outstanding stock of Thor Forge and Ironworks in 1942 and changed the name to Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators. Microfilm records he shows Mel Donner disclose the drilling equipment used on Novaya Zemlya was paid for by the United States government.
Jones, Peter. Black police officer who saves Gene Seagram from suicide by telling him the Titanic has been raised. Described as having six children and a ninety year-old frame house with a thirty-year mortgage.
Juneau. U.S. Navy nuclear-powered guided-missile cruiser that is patrolling near the Titanic recovery effort.
Kama Security Post. Security post on Novaya Island.
Keil, Joe. Engineer on the Deep Fathom.
Keith, Commander. Hands message to Admiral Kemper from Sandecker.
Kelly, Ensign. Ensign in the cable house of the tugboat Wallace who alerts Butera to a problem with the tow cable.
Kemper, Joseph. Admiral who is the U.S. Navy chief of staff. Large, with a well-fed stomach and lazy blue eyes set in a round, jovial face.
Komondor. The type of dog used by the Russian guards on Novaya Island. Stands thirty inches at the shoulders and is covered by a heavy coat of matted white hair. Dog is shot by Pitt when he rescues Koplin.
Kopel Sid. Mineralogist rescued by Pitt on Novaya Island. Shot by Russians in left side, also suffers a hairline crack in his skull. Taken to Walter Reed Medical Center for treatment.
Laguna Star. The name of a tramp freighter of rather dubious registry that the Russian submarine uses to issue a call of distress from one hundred miles to the north of the Titanic to divert the Juneau.
Little Angel Mine. Mine near Central City, Colorado, where a fake cave-in was instituted. After the ploy the Coloradans were assumed to be dead and could continue on to Novaya Zemlya to mine the byzanium.
Lorelei Current Drift Expedition. NUMA expedition with a deep-sea submersible Sappho L The Lorelei current is born off the western tip of Africa, follows the mid-Atlantic ridge north, then curves easterly between Baffin Island and Greenland, then dies in the Labrador Sea. The original plan called for the Sappho to descend in the water five hundred miles northwest of the coast of Dakar, then cruise in the current until ascending in the sea of Labrador fifty days later.
Lukas, Leon. U.S. Navy lieutenant. Salvage technician aboard the Sappho II when Munk is murdered.
Lusky, Herb. Mineralogist with the Meta Section. After finding that the vault in the Titanic is devoid of byzanium, he is bashed on the head by an insane Gene Seagram. He receives twenty stitches and a nasty concussion.
M-24. Type of automatic weapon used by Navy SEALs to recapture Titanic.
Magmatic Paragenesis. Term used by Koplin to describe to Mel Donner how Novaya Zemlya is now devoid of minerals.
Magnetometer. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that measures the ocean bottom's magnetic field including any deviations caused by localized mineral deposits.
Mahoney, Null. Foreman of the Satan Mine in Central City, Colorado, who tries to rescue the miners allegedly trapped in the Little Angel Mine.
Marganin, Lieutenant Pavel. Underling to Andre Prevlov. Described as tall and authoritative. U.S. deep cover intelligence agent His real name is Harry Koskoski and he was born in Newark, New Jersey. The real Marganin was the son of tailors from Komsomolsk-na-Amure. One of the few survivors when a Russian Kashin-class missile destroyer sank in the Indian Ocean, he was rescued but later died. Koskoski's face is surgically altered to resemble Marganin, and he assumes his identity. Raised in rank to commander and promoted to chief of the Foreign Intelligence Analysis Division after Prevlov defects.
McPatrick, Major. Major in the Army Records Bureau. Telephones Gene Seagram with the information about the Coloradans.
Merker, Sam. NUMA systems expert on Sappho I expedition. Described as cosmopolitan and as citified as a Wall Street broker. Later serves as engineer on the Deep Fathom. Was actually born in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Twin brother of Ben Drummer. Russian agent code-named Silver.
Meta Section. A govermnent-funded think-tank that operates in total secrecy. The goal of the Meta Section is to leapfrog current technology by twenty or thirty years. The program is housed in a nondescript old cinderblock budding beside the Washington Navy Yard. The building is disguised with a sign that reads "Smith Van & Storage Company." The organization is not listed in any journal of federal offices. Not even the CIA, FBI or even the NSA has any records they exist.
Mikkail Kurkov. Soviet oceanographic research vessel.
Mile-Hi Chewing Tobacco. Koplin discovers about fifty empty wrappers of this product inside the mine at Novaya Zemyla.
Modoc. Described as the finest deep-water salvage vessel the United States Navy possesses. Admiral Kemper agrees to loan the vessel to Sandecker while they are fishing on the Rappahannock River.
Moe's Pawnshop. Pawnshop where Dr. Silverstein purchases two cornets to drop in twelve thousand feet of water off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to simulate them being dropped from the Titanic.
Monterey Park. U.S. Navy ship at the Titanic recovery site.
Mooney, Arthur. Captain of one of the New York Harbor fireboats. Described as "A big, mischief-eyed Irishman born in the city, and a seagoing fire-eater for nineteen years." Mooney orders his crew to hit the sirens and water hoses to welcome the Titanic in style. All the other ships follow Mooney's lead.
Munk, Henry. NUMA instrument-component specialist on the Sappho I expedition. Described as a quiet and droopy-eyed wit who clearly wishes he were anywhere but on the Sappho I At the start of the Titanic recovery effort, he is murdered while aboard the Sappho II.
Myers-Lentz Company. Producers of the electrolyte chemical that will be pumped into the sediment sealing the Titanic's hull to the ocean floor.
Nicholson, Warren. The director of the CIA.
Novaya Island, U.S.S.R. Island due north of Zemlya Island. Novaya contains the old mine where the byzanium was originally extracted.
Parotkin, Ivan. Captain of the Mikhail Kurkov. Described as a slender man of medium height with a distinguished face who almost never smiles. In his late fifties; his receding hairline shows no trace of gray.
Patman or Palmore, Colonel. Army officer who arrives at Adeline Hobart's house in Boulder, Colorado, after Jake Hobart dies and swears her to secrecy. In return for her silence, he presents her with a check for ten thousand dollars.
Pelholme Aircraft Company. The company that runs the preliminary tests of the Sappho I prior to the Lorelei Expedition.
Phillips, John G. Radio operator on the Titanic. Phillips sent the first SOS in history.
Plimsoll's mark. The load-line mark on a ship's bull.
Polevoi, Vladimir. Chief of the Foreign Secrets Department of the KGB.
Pratt, Uentenant. U.S. Navy lieutenant who picked up the Coloradans from Novaya Zemyla after they double crossed the French and stole byzanium. His vessel is attacked by a ship flying no flag off Norway. Pratt fights off the aggressor, then steers his ship to Aberdeen, Scotland.
Prescott, Dr. Ryan. Chief of the NUMA Hurricane Center in Tampa, Florida. He warns the Titanic recovery crew of the approaching hurricane.
Prevlov, Captain Andre. Russian intelligence officer employed by the Soviet Navy's Department of Foreign Intelligence. Described as a well-proportioned, handsome man sporting a layered hairstyle and a modishly trimmed mustache and intense gray eyes. Drives an orange Lancia and lives in an apartment above the Moscow River decorated like Peter the Great's summer home. His father is the number twelve man in the Communist Party. Drinks Bombay gin. Smokes Winston cigarettes. Wears Omega watch.
Project, Sicilian. The code name of the project that Will use byzanium to create a missile defense shield over the United States. The project purchased forty-six pieces of land to house the missile defense system under the uise of the Department of Energy Studies. The majority of the sites are along the U.S.-Canadian border followed by the Atlantic seaboard. Eight sites are along the Pacific Coast, and four are along the Mexico border and the Gulf of Mexico. The sites are designed to resemble small relay power stations.
Renault Town Car. A giant brass-trimmed town car that was noticed by Bigalow blocked to the deck of the Titanic. Pitt later ends up with the car.
Roanoke. Ship whose keel was laid in 1728. She went onto the rocks off Nova Scotia in 1743. Model of the vessel is in one of the third-floor bedrooms in the White House and was built by the president's father. Under the ruse of identifying the model, the president secretly meets with Dana Seagram to ask her to try to mend things with her husband, Gene.
Rocky Mountain News. Denver newspaper dated November 17, 1911, discovered inside the mine on Novaya Zemlya by Koplin. The newspaper is still in print today.
Rogovski, Dr. Chief Russian scientist aboard the Mikhail Kurkov.
Ross, Sandra. Great-granddaughter of Commodore Bigalow. A flight attendant with Bristol Airlines, she is described as having absorbing violet eyes framed by neatly brushed red hair. At the end of the book, Pitt tells Sandecker he will be visiting Ross if Sandecker needs to find him.
Samuel R. Wallace. One of the U.S. Navy tugboats assigned to tow the Titanic to New York City. A deepsea rescue tugboat two hundred fifty feet in length with 5,000-horsepower diesel powerplants. The vessels are capable of hauling twenty thousand tons of dead weight for two thousand miles without refueling.
Sappho I. NUMA's newest and largest deep-sea research submersible. Described as appearing to look like a giant cigar on an ice skate. Built to house a seven-man crew and two tons of research equipment and instruments. The hull is made of titanium painted red, and the vessel can descend to 24,000 feet below the surface.
Sappho II. Newer and more advanced version of the SAPHO I. It is used on the Titanic project to seal the smaller openings such as the air vents and portholes.
Sea Slug. U.S. Navy deep-sea submersible. Designed and constructed for deep-water salvage, she is operated from the deck of the Modoc. Described as twenty feet long and tubular in shape with rounded ends. Painted bright yellow, it features four large portholes on its bow. Mounted along its top, like small radar domes, are two high-intensity lights.
Seagram, Dana. Wife of Gene Seagram and NUMA marine archaeologist. Works for Admiral Sandecker. Described as having blond hair and coffee-brown eyes. Ph.D. in Marine archaeology. Ph.D. in archaeology. Thirty-one years old.
Seagram, Gene. One of the chief evaluators for the Meta Section. Described as a tall, lanky man, with a quiet voice and a courteous manner. Except for a large flattened nose, he could pass for Abraham Lincoln. Ph.D. in physics. Home is in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Nearly commits suicide on park bench but is stopped by police officer who explains that the Titanic has been raised. When the vault aboard the Titanic turns out to be devoid of byzanium, his mind snaps, and he bashes Lusky in the head with a rock, then begins smashing the remains of Joshua Hays Brewster against the walls of the vault. Diagnosed as suffering from manic-depressive psychosis.
Section R. Soviet Naval Intelligence Photograph analysis department.
Sheldon, Marie. NUMA marine geologist. When Dana Seagram leaves her husband, Gene, she moves into Sheldon's Georgetown house. Described as a small, thin, vital woman with vivid blue eyes, a pert bobbed nose and a mass of bleached blond hair shaped in a shag style. Has a square-cut chin.
Sicilian Project. Code name of the U.S. project to build a missile defense system using byzanium. Designed around a variant of the maser principle. Pushing a sound wave of a certain frequency through a medium containing excited atoms stimulates the sound to an extremely high state of emission. Described as similar to a laser beam. While a laser beam emits a narrow beam of light energy, the beam from the Sicilian Project would emit a broad fanlike field of sound energy. Any enemy missile launched against the United States would come into contact with this invisible barrier and be smashed to bits long before it entered the target area.
Silver. Code name of one of the two Russian operatives at the Titanic recovery site, who turns out to be Merker.
Silverstein, Dr. Murray. Professor at the Alexandria College of Oceanography who builds a small-scale model of the Titanic and sixnulates the sinking.
Sloyuk, Boris. Admiral and director of Soviet Naval Intelligence. Prevlov is Sloyuk's aide.
Smith, Edward J. Captain of the Titanic on her ill fated voyage.
Smyth, Malcolm R. Fictitious author and archaeologist. Pitt uses the fake identity to check into the Pierre Hotel.
Societi des Mines de Lorraine. The group of French financiers who hired the Coloradans to fake the Little Angel Mine disaster and mine the byzanium on Novaya Zemlya.
Southey, England. A town in England with the grave containing the byzanium.
Spencer, Rick. NUMA equipment engineer on the Sappho I expedition. Described as a short blond haired Californian who whistles constantly through clenched teeth.
Stannford, Dr. Amos. Inventor of the substance Wetsteel, which is used to seal the Titanic's hull so she can be raised.
Stoner weapon. Type of weapon used by one of the Navy SEALs that recapture Titanic. Described as a wicked-looking affair with two barrels. Shoots a cloud of tiny needlelike flachettes.
Stoski. Twenty-six-foot-long Russian surface-to-surface missile that Captain Parotkin of the Mikhail Kurkov intends to fire at the Titanic.
S-T-SV-D sensor. The sensor aboard the Sappho I that measures outside salinity, temperature, sound velocity and depth pressure on a magnetic tape.
Stugis, Lieutenant. Helicopter pilot that lands on Titanic. Described as a short, thin man with sad, drooping, bedroom eyes. Uses a cigarette holder when smoking.
Sub-bottom profiler. Instrument aboard the Sappho I that acoustically determines the depth of the top sediments and provides indications of the underlying structure of the sea floor.
Teignmouth, Devonshire, England. Described as a small, picturesque resort town on the southeast coast of England with a population of 12,260. It is where Pitt goes to interview the dying Commodore John Bigalow.
Thomas J. Morse. One of the U.S. Navy tugboats assigned to tow the Titanic to New York City. A deepsea rescue tugboat two hundred fifty feet in length with 5,000-horsepower diesel powerplants. The vessels are capable of hauling twenty thousand tons of deadweight for two thousand miles without refueling.
Thor Forge and Ironworks. Denver, Colorado, manufacturer of the drilling equipment used by the Coloradans on Novaya Zemlya.
Tilevitch, Vastly. Marshal of the Soviet Union and chief director of Soviet security.
Tin Goose. Antique Ford Trimotor airplane that Pitt buys in Keflavic, Ireland, and pilots back to his hangar at Washington's National Airport.
Titanic, R.M.S. Infimous White Star line vessel that departed Southampton, England, April 10, 1912, and sqnk April 15, 1912, with a loss of over fifteen hundred lives. Struck iceberg and sank in North Atlantic. Last reported position 41.46'N-50.14'W. The vessel was 882 feet in length with a black hull encircled with a gold band and was built at the Belfast, Ireland, shipyard of Harland and Wolff. The yard was later leveled by German bombers during World War II. Built from 46,328 tons of steel. The vessel held 2,200 passengers and had lifeboats for only 1,180.
Troy, H.M.S. British cruiser that carries the remains of Commodore Bigalow for his burial at sea.
Uphill, Lieutenant George. U.S. Navy lieutenant in command of the tugboat Thomas J. Morse. Described as a plump, ruddy-faced man who sports an immense Bismarck mustache.
Vampire squid. Squid Pitt and Giordino view through the porthole of the Sea Slug when they first reach the bottom near the Titanic. Described as a strange blueblack animal that looks like a cross between a squid and an octopus. Has eight tentacles linked together like the webbed foot of a duck. Two globular eyes form nearly a third of its body.
Vogel, John. Chief curator of the Washington Museum's Hall of Music. He restores the cornet found on the ocean floor by the Sappho I. Vogel discovers the cornet is a presentation model and was aboard the Titanic when she sank. Described as six feet five inches tall with a kindly face and puffs of unbrushed white hair edging a bald head. Brown Santa Claus eyes and a warm smile. Smokes a pipe.
Walter Reed Medical Center. U.S. naval hospital where Koplin is taken after being rescued by Pitt.
Woodson, Omar. NUMA photographer on the Sappho I. Rarely smiles. Is commander of Sappho II during the first phase of the Titanic recovery effort. Later, while aboard the Titanic during Hurricane Amanda, he is stabbed in the heart and killed by a Russian marine.
Young, Harry. Described as a skinny, little man. Seventy-eight years old, he has an alert, eager face. A walking encyclopedia on western mining history. Nephew of Harry Young. Explains to Donner that the Little Angel Mine disaster was a hoax.
Vixen 03
African Army of Revolution. Guerrilla army of African blacks headed by Somala that is fighting for independence from white rule.
Alabama. U.S. Navy battleship now preserved as a memorial.
Alsatian. Breed of dog used by the South African Defense Forces.
Anchorage House. Fifteen-room country inn owned and operated by Walter Bass. The inn is complete with antique plumbing and four-poster beds. The grounds are covered with pines and late-blooming wildflowers, and the inn has a duck pond out the back door. The dining room is designed in the style of an eighteenth-century country tavern, with old flintlock rifles, pewter drinking cups and weathered farm implements hanging on the walls and rafters.
Argon laser. Large-frame laser developed by the Stransky Instrument Company and used by Dr. Weir to attempt to cut through the parachute cord holding the QD shell to the skids of the NUMA Minerva helicopter. Features eighteen watts concentrated in a narrow beam that releases two kilowatts of energy.
Arizona, U.S. Navy battleship sunk at the battle of Pearl Harbor and still kept on the Navy's rolls as a commissioned ship.
Arsenal Six. Bunker at Phalanx Arms where QD warheads were stored.
Bass, Admiral Walter. U.S. Navy admiral who orders Vixen 03 to take off in spite of the weather. Described as a whiz kid who made his first star at the age of thirty-eight. Appeared to be headed for the naval chief of staff but made a mistake that resulted in being assigned to a minor boondocks fleet base in the Indian Ocean. Retired from the Navy in October 1959. Was a surface officer during thirty-year Navy career who specialized in heavy ordnance. Admiral Sandecker served under Bass in World War II. Bass operates the Anchorage House, a fifteen-room country inn located just south of Lexington, Virginia. Suffers massive 189 heart attack when he notices that eight of the shells containing QD are missing from Vixen 03. Treated at Fitzsimmons Army Hospital in Denver but later slips into a coma and dies at Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Bethesda Naval Hospital. Military hospital near Washington, D.C. where Admiral Bass dies from effects of heart attack.
Black Angus One. Fawkes radio call sign aboard the Iowa.
Black Angus Two. Radio call sign for the spotter for the Iowa. Black Angus Two is located in a street sweeper cruising Washington, D.C. Boeing C-97 Strato-cruiser. The type of transport plane used on Flight Vixen 03. Air-frame number 75403. The heavy transport cargo plane has four Pratt and Whitney engines driving four blades on each propeller and can carry a seventy-thousand-pound load. Described as having a two-deck fuselage and the configuration of a double-bellied whale.
British Imperial War Museum. The museum where one of the QD warheads accidentally was sent.
Buckley Field, Colorado. Naval air station outside Denver, Colorado, where Flight Vixen 03 departs. The runway is eleven thousand feet in length.
Buckner, Paul. Described as a longtime pal of Pitt's. Buckner is an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Burgdoirf, General Ernest. Chief of staff U.S. Air Force safety.
Burns, Master Sergeant Joe. U.S. Air Force master Sergeant and flight engineer on Flight Vixen 03. Described as having a Buster Keaton-deadpan face.
Camp, A.A.R. Camp located on what formerly was a small university for the Portuguese when they ruled Mozambique. Located on Lake Malawi. Attacked by South African Defense Forces led by Zeegier. The attack causes the loss of 2,310 A.A.R soldiers with only four of Zeegier's troops wounded.
Carnady, Louis. A U.S. congressman described as a tall, sad-looking dude with spaniel eyes. Once double dated with Loren Smith, Felicia Collins and Hiram Lusana. Carnady was defeated in the last elections.
Catlin M-200. Aquamarine-colored executive jet owned by NUMA that Giordino pilots to Colorado to meet Pitt. Designed to land and take Off in impossible places with cargo loads twice its own weight. Type of plane Pitt pilots out to sea with Giordino, Weir and the Stransky Instrument laser to cut the parachute cord holding the QD shell to the skids of the Minerva NUMA helicopter.
Chenago. Commissioned in June 1862 in New York. The vessel was a Union ironclad that foundered in heavy seas and sank on her way to her first assignment, blockading Savannah Harbor. Her entire crew Of fOrtY-two men is entombed in her hull which is ninety feet below the surface of the water. NUMA is 191 attempting to raise her. Designed with two circular gun turrets containing Dahigren smooth-bore cannon that weigh several tons each.
CK-88. Type of Chinese automatic rifle carried by an observer spotted by Marcus Somala watching the Fawkes ranch. Standard issue for soldiers in the A.A.R.
Collins, Felicia. Described as having short Afro hair and puffy lips. Her skin is the color of cocoa, and she has conical breasts with full, dark nipples. A singer actor with three gold records, two Emmys and an Oscar for her role as a black suffragist in the film Road of Poppies. She is thirty-two years old. High school classmate of Loren Smith.
Copperhead missiles. Type of missile that can be fired from F-120 jets. Missile Higgins recommends for an attack on the Iowa.
Cottonwood Inn. Restaurant where Steiger and Pitt eat lunch after Steiger meets with the president of the United States.
Daggat, Frederick. One of New Jersey's three black congressmen. A Democrat. Has an affair with Felicia Collins. Attempts to blackmail Loren Smith and Pitt but is rebuffed.
De Vaal, Pieter. Minister of South African Defense Forces. Speaks Afrikaans. Described as having wavy gray hair. Person behind Operation Wild Rose. Ordered the murder of Patrick Fawkes family. De Vaal also leaked the information about Operation Wild Rose to U.S. intelligence assets, hoping to embarrass Prime Minister Koertsmann's party and later seize power himself. After his treacherous intentions are revealed by Pitt, he is killed by Machita.
Devine, Phil. Maintenance chief for United Airlines at Stapleton Field. Friend of Harvey Dolan. Said to be a "walking encyclopedia on aircraft." Described as a W. C. Fields type of character-heavy through the middle with a slow, whining voice. Smokes unfiltered cigarettes. Solves the mystery of what type of plane the landing gear Pitt finds in Loren Smith's father's garage came from.
Dolin, Halley. Principal maintenance inspector for the Air Carrier District of the Federal Aviation Administration. Works at Stapleton Airport, Denver, Colorado.
<<DoMnger vanab ' le Rk tm">> Airlift method favored by FOISOM to raise the Chenago.
Donegal Brian. Helmsman on the Molly Bnde, An hish immigrant who is tall with shaggy hair.
Doomsday Olsam. One of the names for QD, or "Quick Death," the gas carried in the canisters aboard Vixen 03.
Dugan. Works at the shipyard converting the Iowa.
Duinbo. Nickname Of the twin-rotor, turbine-engined, heavy-lift helicopter that eases Vixen 03 to shore after it is raised.
Emma. Code name of a shadowy operative. Sells Operation Wild Rose plans to Machita for two million dollars. Machita attempts to double-cross Emma and kill him but is foiled. The plans turn out to be operating procedures for military garbage removal. Sneaks aboard the Iowa with plans to kill Fawkes. Fawkes instead beats Emma's head to a pulp against the metal deck of the Iowa. After Emma is dead, Fawkes discovers that she is, in fact, a woman.
F-120. U.S. Air Force jet code-named "Specter." The fighters can be armed with Copperhead or Satan penetration missiles.
F-140. U.S. Air Force fighter jet nicknamed "Spook." Steiger pilots the F-140 to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas, to retrieve the QD shells at the VFW post in Dayton City, Oklahoma.
Fawkes, Jenny. Daughter of Patrick Sr. and Myma Fawkes. Nineteen years old, she is described as big boned and large-breasted with a freckled face.
Fawkes, Myrna. Wife of Patrick Fawkes. Described as lean and tiny but possessing the toughness of two good men.
Fawkes, Patrick Jr. Son of Patrick Sr. and Myma Fawkes. Only two months past twenty years of age, he is already three inches taller than his father.
Fawkes, Captain Patrick McKenzie. Retired British Navy captain originally from Aberdeen, Scotland. Was in the Royal Navy twenty-five years, fifteen years of those in ship's engineering. Captain of the Audacious for two years. Last assignment for Royal Navy was engineering director of the Grimsby Royal Naval shipyard. Described as a giant of a man, standing a shade over six feet six inches in height. His weight exceeds two hundred eighty pounds. Eyes are a somber shade of gray. Sandy-colored hair with whitening filaments in his King George V beard. Smokes a pipe. Captain of the Iowa in Operation Wild Rose, the attack on Washington, D.C. Is killed when the sixteen-inch gun on the Iowa explodes and blows him to pieces.
Felo gun. Israeli-manufactured weapon used by the South African Defense Forces in the attack on the A.A.R compound. The weapon shoots swarms of razor sharp disks capable of severing an eight-inch tree trunk with one burst.
Fergus, Lieutenant Alan. Leader of the SEAL combat units that attack the Iowa. Has been in the U.S. Navy seven years. Wounded in the left hand while leading the assault on the Iowa. The bullet neatly amputated the middle finger of his left hand before biting through his palm. Also wounded in his leg.
Fisk, Donald. An inspector with the Bureau of Customs. Fisk is out jogging when the shells from the Iowa begin falling.
Fitzsimmons Army Hospital. Military hospital in Denver where Admiral Bass is initially treated after suffering heart attack at Table Lake.
Folsom, Jack. NUMA salvage master on the Visalia. Described as brawny. Chews gum.
Forbes Marine Scrap & Salvage. Salvage yard in the Chesapeake Bay where the battleship Iowa is refitted.
Francis, Shawn. The Irish-born constable of Ukono who convinces Patrick Fawkes over the radio that his ranch has been attacked.
Future Eyes Only. F.E.O is the designation of certain United States government files that can be opened only after a certain, specified date.
Gold, Lieutenant Sam. U.S. Air Force lieutenant who is Vylander's copilot on Flight Vixen 03.
Gore, Barbara. Secretary to Jarvis. Once had an affair with Jarvis, but now they are just good friends. Described as forty-three with the figure of a Vogue fashion model. She has remained trim with shapely legs and high-cheekboned features that have yet to flesh out with age.
Gosard, John. Head of the National Security Agency's Africa Section. Gossard came to the NSA after the Vietnam War, where he served as a specialist in guerrilla logistics. Described as a quiet man with a cynical sense of humor, he walks with a limp caused by a rifle grenade whose shrapnel severed his right foot. Known as a heavy drinker.
Grosfield, General Ebner. The chief inspector of foreign arm shipments and Mapes nemesis. Steiger poses as Grosfield over the phone to convince Mapes that he should allow Pitt to check the Phalanx Arms Corporation inventory.
Heiedriek Air Force Base. Air Force base in South Africa that De Vaal goes to for secret flight to Pembroke for his meeting with Patrick Fawkes.
Henry W. Nice Memorial Toil Bridge. Bridge over the Patuxent River the Iowa passes under. Location where Milkman McDonald discovers shredded plywood.
Hickham Field, Hawaii. Airfield where Vixen 03 is scheduled to make a fuel stop. The plane never makes it out of the mountains.
Higgins, General Curtis. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Hocker-Rodine 27.5 automatic. Weapon used by Emma aboard the Iowa. The silenced handgun features a twenty-shot clip.
Hoffman, Captain George. U.S. Air Force captain who is the navigator on Flight Vixen 03.
Holland & Holland. Manufacturer of the twelve-gauge shotgun named "Lucifer" that is kept at the Fawkes ranch.
House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee. Congressional subcommittee that Lusana appeals to for aid.
Hunt, Earl. Democratic congressman from Iowa who is seated on the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee.
Hydrogen cyanide. A blood agent that interferes with respiration, it is the poison that is falsely claimed to be dumped on Rongelo Island to keep people from visiting the island and being infected with QD.
Iowa. U.S. Navy battleship sent to Forbes Salvage for scrapping but instead converted to a shallower-draft vessel and used by Patrick Fawkes for the attack on Washington, D.C. In the conversion, two General Electric geared turbine engines are removed and half the superstructure removed and replaced with gray painted plywood. The remaining engines feature 106,000 horsepower. The wartime operational draft was thirty-eight feet; after the conversion, the draft was a few inches less than twenty-two feet. The Iowa leaves Forbes Scrap and Salvage on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7. The number painted on its hull is 61. Each remaining main battery turret contains three 68 foot guns, each weighing 134 tons. The entire turret weighs seventeen hundred tons. The armor-piercing projectiles fired by the sixteen-inch guns weigh twenty seven hundred pounds. The powder charges that propel the shells weigh six hundred pounds. The turret is protected by steel armor plating seven to seventeen inches thick.
<<>>Colonel Michael. U.S. Air Force officer who signed the original orders for Flight Vixen 03.
Jackson, Sam. The man who takes illicit photographs of Pitt and Loren Smith making love in Felicia Collins's Alexandria love nest. Described as a tall, angular black man with braided hair, a youthful face and long, slender hands.
Jarvis, Dale. Director of the National Security Agency. Described as having a friendly, almost fatherly face. His brown hair is streaked with gray, and he wears it in a crew cut. Wears glasses.
Jones, Hiram. True name of Hiram Lusana.
Jumana, Colonel Randolph. Second-in-command to Lusana. Described as a superb leader of men and a tiger in battle but sadly lacking in administrative style. Plans a coup d'etat to unseat Lusana and take over leadership of the A.A.R. A "favorite son" of the Srona tribe, Jumana spent eight years in a South African prison before Lusana arranged his escape.
Kemper, Admiral Joe. U.S. Navy chief of naval operations.
Kenya Education Council. Meeting in Nairobi that Daggat explains to Lusana he needs to attend.
Kiebel, Lieutenant commander Oscar. Skipper of the Coast Guard patrol boat that delivers SEALs to the Iowa. Described as dour. Wounded by machine gun fire from the Iowa when he drops off the Navy SEALS.
Koertsmann, Prime Minister. Prime minister of South Africa.
Lincoln Memorial. Memorial in Washington, D.C. that is hit by a shell fired from the Iowa. Features a nineteen-foot-tall statue of a seated Abraham Lincoln.
Lo, Colonel Phon Duc. Vietnamese Army colonel and chief military advisor to the African Army of Revolution.
Lot Six. Area in Arsenal Six where the QD warheads should have been stored. They were instead placed in Lot Sixteen.
Lot Sixteen. Area in Arsenal Six at Phalanx Arms where the QD warheads were accidentally stored.
Lovell, Billy. Commander of VFW Post 9974. Described as a tall, gangly individual about fifty years old. Lovell is at least six feet five inches tall with a ruddy face and short-clipped shiny hair parted down the middle.
Lucifer. The Holland & Holland twelve-gauge shotgun kept at the Fawkes ranch.
Lusana, General Hiram AKA Hiram Jones. Leader of the African Army of Revolution. Born in the United States of America. Using money from a lucrative armored-car robbery, he expanded his fortune through international drug smuggling. Described as a short, wiry man, medium-boned and fighter-skinned than any man in the army of Africans. The troops call his skin "American tan" behind his back. Has coffee brown eyes. Crimes committed in the United States include everything from rape to assault, draft dodging and a plot to bomb the state capital of Alabama. Left the United States to avoid paying taxes. Was raised in one of the worst slums in the country. Lusana's father deserted his mother and her nine children when he was eight. Shot and killed by Fergus aboard the Iowa but manages-to toss the sack containing the QD bomblets into the river.
Machias Point. Location on the Patuxent River.
Machita, Major Thomas. Chief intelligence analyst of the African Army of Revolution. American black whose aliases are Luke Sampson of Los Angeles and Charles Le Mat of Chicago. Operates out of the Mozambique consulate in Pretoria, South Africa. Cover is that he is George Yariko, diplomatic courier. Arrested and beaten by guards on Jumana's orders during coup d'etat against Lusana. After almost everyone is killed by Colonel Zeegier's attack on the camp, Machita escapes from the cell. Assumes leadership of the A.A.R after Lusana is killed. Kills De Vaal with a knife.
Makeir, Colonel Oliver. Coordinator of the African Army of Revolution propaganda programs.
Mapes, 0rville. President and chairman of the board of Phalanx Arms Corporation. Described as a screwy sort of duck looking more like a hardware peddler than a death merchant. Has gray eyes. Drives RollsRoyce convertible. Purchased QD warheads from Rafferty's for five thousand dollars each.
March, Thnothy. U.S. secretary of defense. Described as a short, dumpy man who detests any sort of physical exertion.
Massachusetts. U.S. Navy battleship now preserved as a memorial.
Manser. A .38-caliber automatic handgun used by Machita.
Mayflower. Hotel that the U.S. Department of State rents for Lusana when he visits Washington, D.C. McDermott. Works in Soviet analysis at the National Security Agency. He is mentioned by Gossard when discussing with Jarvis an upcoming fishing trip.
McDonald, Howard. Milkman who discovers shredded plywood on the Henry W. Nice Memorial Toll Bridge over the Patuxent River that indicates the Iowa has steamed past.
Metz, Lou. Superintendent of the Forbes shipyard.
Meyers, Roscoe. Republican congressman from Oregon who is seated on the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee.
Military Air Transport Service. MATS is the division of the U.S. Air Force that the Boeing C-97 Vixen 03 was assigned. Pitt views the lettering painted on the plane's fuselage through the underwater camera and, after viewing the serial number on the vertical stabilizer, identifies the plane as Vixen 03.
Minerva M-8. Twin-turboshaft-engined NUMA helicopter that Steiger pilots with Sandecker aboard when Pitt drops on the deck of the Iowa. The helicopter then takes up station above the National Archives Building and snags the parachute of the shell containing the QD bomblet. Steiger and Sandecker then head out to sea on a suicide mission to dispose of the shell. Pitt chases them out to sea in the Catlin M-200 with a laser aboard. After the laser severs a few of the lines holding the QD shell to the helicopter, it overheats. Steiger then pilots the helicopter into a steep dive. When he pulls the helicopter out of the dive, the weight of the QD shell finally snaps the parachute cords, and the shell plunges into the ocean. Once the shell is free and with the Minerva nearly out of fuel, Steiger pilots the helicopter to a Norwegian cruiser and lands.
Missouri. U.S. Navy battleship maintained by the navy in Bremerton, Washington.
Molly Bender. Fishing trawler crushed by the Iowa.
Mount Vernon. George Washington's famous home and the site where the Iowa finally runs hard aground.
Mukuta, Captain John. Captain in the African Army of Revolution.
Mutaapo, Captain. Fictitious name used by a man dressed as a pilot on a BEZA-Mozambique Airlines return flight to Africa that Lusana intends to take. Described as a tall, slender man with a middle-aged black face. Wears dark green and gold braided BEZAMozambique Airlines uniform. Drugs Lusana's martini and has him delivered to Patrick Fawkes aboard the Iowa.
Natal, Africa. Borders Mozambique and is the province where the Fawkes ranch is located.
National Archives Building. Three shells are fired at the building from the Iowa. The first goes through the dome and plunges downward, missing the Declaration of Independence by ten feet. The second is a dud. The third, which contains the QD bomblets, is plucked from the sky by the Minerva NUMA helicopter piloted by Steiger with Sandecker aboard.
National Transportation Safety Board. Governmental agency Dolan contacts to find out if any commercial C-97 Stratoeruisers were lost over the continental United States.
Neutron bomb. Type of bomb the president suggests might disable the QD warheads aboard the Iowa. The idea is rejected.
Nisei. Americans of Japanese descent imprisoned in internment camps during World War II. Mentioned as a model for Africans to follow by Loren Smith when talking to Congressman Daggat. After World War II, the Nisei worked in the South California fields so they could send their sons and daughters to UCLA and USC to become attorneys and doctors.
Norton Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in California where Colonel Abe Steiger works.
O'Keefe, General John. Aide to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
O'Shea. Guard at the gate of Forbes Scrap and Salvage when Pitt and Jarvis first arrive.
Obasi, Daniel. Seventeen-year-old Shaba leaves in charge of the gun turret on the Iowa when Shaba goes below to the magazine to repair the hoist. Fires the QD shell at Washington, D.C. Operation Wild Rose. South African plot to shell Washington, D.C. and blame the attack on the African Army of Revolution to discredit them.
Patuxent River. River that empties into the Chesapeake Bay a few miles above Forbes Scrap and Salvage. The river the Iowa takes toward Washington, D.C. Pembroke, Natal. Town in Africa where Fawkes meets South African defense minister. While he is gone, his ranch is attacked and his family killed.
Phalanx Arms Corporation. Name of the company based in Newark, New Jersey, that purchased the QD warheads from the Raffertys. The company sits on five thousand acres and is rated as the sixth-largest army in terms of equipment. Phalanx Arms also ranks as the seventh-largest air force.
Pier Six. Pier in San Francisco where the QD warheads recovered from Vixen 03 in Table Lake are shipped for eventual destruction at sea.
Plum Point Marina. Location Gossard tells Jarvis they, along with Sampson and McDermott, are to leave from for the scheduled fishing trip.
Potomac River. River leading to Washington, D.C. Fawkes plans to take the Iowa up to shell the U.S. capital.
Quantico, Virginia. Location of a marine base Fawkes views as the Iowa heads past upriver.
Quick Death. The gas carried in canisters aboard Vixen 03. Biochemical name is thirty letters long and unpronounceable. Created by microbiologist John Vetterly, QD is described as an artificial form of life that in turn was capable of producing a disease strain that was and still is quite unknown. QD is a nondetectable, unidentifiable bacteriological agent able to incapacitate a living human or animal within seconds of exposure and disrupt the vital body functions, causing death three to five minutes later. Unlike other lethal agents, QD gains strength over time. If five ounces were delivered over Manhattan Island, the organism would seek out and kill ninety-eight percent of the population within four hours. Water neutralizes the organism.
Radar altimeter. Device especially designed by Admiral Bass. Has an omnidirectional indicator that signals the QD warheads' descent and releases a parachute at fifteen hundred feet elevation. At one thousand feet of elevation, the QD warhead explodes, releasing the gas.
Rafferty, Lee. Neighbor near Loren Smith's father's cabin. Retired in the summer of 1971 from the U.S. Navy as a deep-sea diver because of the bends (diving term for excess nitrogen in the bloodstream-sometimes fatal). Husband of Maxine Rafferty. Described as a string bean of a man. Likes cigars. Brews his own beer. Sold QD warheads to Phalanx Arms Corporation. After Pitt discloses he knows about the sale, he smashes Pitt in the shoulder with plumbing pipe. Pitt retrieves the pipe and swings it against Rafferty's head, breaking the bone in his temple and killing him.
Rafferty, Maxine. Neighbor near Loren Smith's father's cabin. Wife of Lee Rafferty. Described as having the look of the West about her. Heavyset, she wears rimless glasses and has bluish-silver hair. Murdered Charlie Smith with a rifle shot to the heart after he had second thoughts about selling QD warheads. Pitt hits her with a kerosene lamp, cutting her breast, then shoots her with his Colt revolver, killing her.
Ragged Point. Spot on the waterway where the Iowa crushes the Molly Bender.
Rantoul Engineering. Chicago-based firm that produces the wheels used on the Boeing C-97 that was used for Flight Vixen 03.
Ravenfoot, Commodore Jack. Head of the NSA's domestic division. Retired U.S. Navy Commodore. Was executive officer aboard the battleship New Jersey during the Vietnam War. A full-blooded Native American from the Cheyenne tribe, Ravenfoot holds a Phi Beta Kappa key from Yale.
Red River. River that forms the border of Texas and Oklahoma. Steiger drives across the Red River on the 207 way to the VFW post in Dayton City, Oklahoma, to retrieve QD warheads.
Remains Identity and Recovery Team. U.S. Air Force group tasked with caring for the remains of the crew of Flight Vixen 03.
Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Army installation outside Denver, Colorado, that was the primary manufacturing site for chemical weapons. Site where QD was produced.
Rocky Mountain oysters. Famous state dish of Colorado. Fried bull's testicles. Tastes like chicken.
Rongelo. Island in the South Pacific that was the intended destination of Flight Vixen 03. Located four hundred miles northeast of Bilini Island. Described as a raw, bleached knob of coral poking through the sea in the middle of nowhere. The island, actually more 0 an atoll, rises only six feet above the surface of the ocean. Infected with QD, the island will be uninhabitable for the next three hundred years. The island is eradicated by a nuclear missile blast fired from a U.S. Navy submarine.
Sampson. Works in Soviet analysis at the National Security Agency. He is mentioned by Gossard when discussing an upcoming fishing trip with Jarvis.
Satan penetration missiles. Type of missile carried by F-120 jets. The missiles can gouge their way through three yards of concrete.
Savannah. City on the coast of Georgia where Pitt goes to supervise raising the Chenago, a Union ironclad that sank off the Georgia coast during the Civil War.
Sawatch Mountain Range. Mountains in the Colorado rockies where Loren Smith's father's cabin is located.
Sawyer, Phil. Press secretary to the president of the United States. Along with Pitt, dates Loren Smith. Described as wearing white shirts and talking like a thesaurus. Smith describes Sawyer as the sort of man you marry: loyal, true blue, sets you on a gilded pedestal and wants you to be the mother of his children. Has premature gray hair; he is said to have a solid, handsome face.
Shaba, Charles. Part of the African crew Fawkes uses on the Iowa. Shaba is the chief engineer. After the Iowa grounds, he becomes gunnery officer.
Shaw, Morton. Independent Party congressman from Florida.
Sheppard Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in Wichita Falls, Texas, Steiger lands at when he travels to retrieve QD warheads at VFW post in Oklahoma.
Sheridan Point. Location on the Potomac River the Coast Guard patrol boat passes.
Slaughter Beach. Beach in Delaware that Steiger and Sandecker pass over in a NUMA helicopter as they head out to sea on the mission to dispose of QD warhead.
Smith, Charlie. Father of Loren Smith. Deceased. Itinerant inventor. Allegedly blown apart by dynamite, but Pitt later identifies his body as being aboard Vixen 03 in Table Lake.
Somala, Marcus. Section leader of the African Army of Revolution. Witnesses the raid on the Fawkes ranch, then is mortally wounded when shot in the back. Manages to make his way to the hospital and reports to Lusana before dying.
St. Clements Island. Island passed as the Iowa steams up the Patuxent River.
Stanton Probe. Name of fictitious committee Pitt cooks up to scare Mapes into allowing him to search the Phalanx Arms Corporation's inventory for the missing QD warheads.
Steiger, Colonel Abraham Levi. Works for the investigator general for safety at Norton Air Force Base in California. Dolan forwards a request to him for information about Boeing C-97 number 75403. Described as having a completely shaved head, friendly hazel eyes and an enormous Kaiser Wilhelm mustache. Wears size-twelve boots. His body is squat and barrel-chested, and Pitt estimates his weight at close to two hundred twenty pounds. Father of eight children-five boys and three girls. Pilots the NUMA helicopter that drops Pitt off on the Iowa. Along with Sandecker, Steiger then takes up station over the National Archives Building and snags the parachute of the shell containing QD bomblets. Then, together with Sandecker, they fly out to sea on a suicide mission to dispose of the shell.
Stransky Instrument Company. Company that employs Dr. Weir.
Swedborg, Carl. Skipper of the fishing trawler Molly Bender. Swedborg is seventy years old but has no wish to retire. Wife has already passed away.
Table Lake. Lake located one quarter mile over the hill behind Loren Smith's cabin. Location where Pitt finds the plane missing the canisters containing nerve gas. A man-made lake, it was formed when the State of Colorado dammed up a stream in 1945, submerging an abandoned lumber mill.
Tazareen massacre. Village in the Province of Transvaall where a senseless slaughter of at least one hundred sixty-five black villagers was instituted by the A.A.R.
Tiger fish. Old World relative to the South American Amazon piranha that Lusana hooks while fishing.
Tonic One. Code name for one of the groups from the South African Defense Forces that attack the A.A.R compound.
Tonic Two. Code name of one of the groups from the South African Defense Forces that attack the A.A.R compound.
Travis Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in California where the original orders for Flight Vixen 03 were issued.
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Dayton City Post 9974. VFW post in Oklahoma where two of the QD shells were accidentally sent. The VFW tried to fire the shells during a Veterans Day parade, but luckily they didn't explode.
Vetterly, John. Microbiologist who created Quick Death. Later dies on Rongelo Island with three of his assistants as they check the effects of QD.
Visali. NUMA salvage ship assigned to raise the Chenago.
Vixen 03. Call sign of the plane that crashes into Table Lake, Colorado, carrying the QD warheads.
Vogel, Brian. Neighbor of Patrick Fawkes, who comes to the ranch after the massacre to help bury the bodies of the ranch workers.
Vylander, Major Raymond. U.S. Air Force major who is aircraft commander of Flight Vixen 03.
Walnut Point, Virginia. Location where Patrick Fawkes anchors whale boat to record the passing boat traffic in preparation for taking the Iowa up the Potomac River.
Walvis Bay investment Corporation. A financial front company for the African Army of Revolution.
Weir, Dr. Paul. The head physicist of the Stransky Instrument Company. Described as a light-skinned man with Nordic features.
Wisconsin. U.S. Navy battleship scrapped in 1984. Battleship that was scheduled to lob the shells containing OD twenty miles through the air to Rongelo Island.
Yariko, George. Fictitious name that is on the Mozambique passport Machita uses when he flies to Pretoria for his meeting with Emma. Yariko's cover is that of a diplomatic courier to Mozambique.
Zeegler, Colonel Joris. Army colonel in charge of the intelligence division of the South African Defense Forces or director of Internal South African Defense. Described as a tall, slender man with compelling blue eyes.